Project Management

Volunteers needed to test gov website May 18 – no experience needed! At all!

GSA’s First Friday’s Usability Testing program is looking for 3 participants to help us test a government website on May 18 for one hour in the morning at our DC office. Help us improve user experience for the American public! Please email [email protected] for more information or to volunteer. Thanks so much 🙂 Sincerely, Jon

What if?

Trip Advisor happened for local gov. People rated things, kept eyes on things, fed back easily if there was an issue. Maybe not needed in smaller Council areas, maybe only in cities but still, what if? Public toilets. Takeaways and restaurants for cleanliness. Parks for upkeep, for plant choice, even? Rate us on everything. Why?Read… Read more »

Tickets for the Troops

Last week we were proud to announce the 2nd year of our “Tickets for the Troops” program, which provides two free tickets to each of the 81 Washington Nationals home games this year to active military personnel and their families. Throughout the entire 2011 MLB season, military families can obtain the free tickets through theRead… Read more »

Social Media Stages/Themes for Local Government

I read with interest Dan Slee’s blog post “Linked Social: Eight steps of social media evolution in local government” and whilst I agree with Dan I commented on his post with a slightly different perspective. I recommend that you can read the post directly but I have included a bit of my comment below: WithRead… Read more »

The Personal Storyteller – 3 Tips to Improve Your Communications Skills

Article Summary: Everyone is a storyteller. You are a storyteller. You tell personal and professional stories every day. Whether you direct an international association, manage a government program, run a small business, or serve as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, consider every written, verbal, and social media communication as a business story. YouRead… Read more »