Project Management

Bookmarks for April 6th through April 27th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. How to beat Apple – Interesting read. Micro-Participation In Online Consultations – NIce summary and contribution to the discussion. Coté’s People Over Process » 3 Tips on Scaling Agile Development – “At some point, adopting Agile development becomes an organizational change management exercise that hasRead… Read more »

Converting the Dissenter; Part Two

As a follow-up to last week’s blog,, this week’s entry continues our discussion on the tactics that the Change Management Champion (CMC) can utilize to mitigate the change resistors also known as dissenters. As mentioned in my previous blog, frequently a combination of mitigation approaches may need to be utilized together or sequentially, asRead… Read more »

Great resources for government websites best practices

I am working on a project of revamping our Court’s public website and we are making every attempt to ensure we do it right this time. We are soliciting feedback from our audiences and are doing a lot of research on best practices. I recently found a great government site which outlines many of theRead… Read more »

New York to Get BIG Green Building

In the world of cutting-edge architecture, the Bjarke Ingles Group (BIG) is just about a innovative as it gets. Bjarke wowed TED audiences a few years ago with a round-up of BIG’s projects. The name BIG isn’t just a coincidence, Bjarke Ingles likes to challenge the idea of what a building looks like to makeRead… Read more »

Defying Cultural Patterns and Predictions Engaging Stress and Crisis: The Stress Doc’s 3 “R”s for Discovering Your Responsible, Resilient & Risk-Taking Essence

When you get a thank you card at the end of a program signed by participants during the event either it’s a less than captivating workshop or the group was really motivated to give you feedback. Fortunately, it was the latter and the words inscribed were very positive and poignant – people felt “enlightened,” “inspired”Read… Read more »

The importance of culture change in open government

Open government cannot succeed through technology only. Open data, ideation platforms, cloud solutions, and social media are great tools but when they are used to deliver government services using existing models they can only deliver partial value, value which can not be measured and value that is unclear to anyone but the technology practitioners thatRead… Read more »

Micro-participation project

We’re starting an open innovation-y project at Kind of Digital about micro-participation. Do get involved! Possibly related posts: Micro-participation at ShropCamp Digital engagement workshop, Peterborough, 25th May Some Kind of Digital posts More on micro-participation The need for micro-participation Original post

Daily Dose: Is there hope for the Federal Hiring & Recruitment Process?

When thinking about the Federal Hiring Process I think what a nightmare! Last year the Obama Administration ordered the federal recruitment and hiring process to be overhauled. In the Washington Post article, Making a few strides on hiring reform, Joe Davidson highlights the massive effort of the pilot online assessment program –Assess Pilot. According toRead… Read more »

How old government data could give rise to new service delivery models

I recently spent some time researching the proactive disclosure of federal grants and contributions in Canada; here are some of my key findings about how the data is presented: Each department publishes their own G&C data (i.e. there is no single repository) The actual path to the endpoint data varies considerably across the landscape DespiteRead… Read more »