Project Management

ACS Business Skills Third Access

After seeing I could navigate the ACS Business Skills On-Line Pilot Program, I thought I should select some courses. One annoyance I have found is the log-on screen has an option for accessibility, but I have to click this each time I enter the site, the option does not appeared to be remembered in myRead… Read more »

Micro-participation at ShropCamp

Continuing my current obsession with micro-participation, I ran a session on the subject at yesterday’s excellent ShropCamp. Basically I chatted through what micro-participation is and what it tries to achieve, where it came from etc. Then I gave some examples of it in action, and after that asked for some ideas and thoughts from theRead… Read more »

How Do You Get People to Take the Stairs Instead of the Escalator?

I just stumbled upon Volkswagen’s contest initiative called, established around 2009. The “site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is thatRead… Read more »

Canberra International Music Festival and the Griffins

The 17th Canberra International Music Festival runs from, 11-22 May 2011. The program is emphasises Schubert. It also commemorates the work of Canberra’s original architects: Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin. The conference program features a series of remarkable graphics, overlaying the plan of Canberra, with mystical symbols.The Griffins were invovled in anthroposophy .Read… Read more »

Telecommunications in Australia Podcast

The 30 minute audio Podcast “Telecommunications in Australia”, by Keri Phillips, ABC Radio National “Rear Vision” program, is available.This puts the National Broadband Network a historical context: “Everything to do with communications in Australia has always been highly political; the National Broadband Network provides the latest evidence. Rear Vision looks at the story of communicationRead… Read more »

I’m famous!

Okay, not really. But the American University School of Public Affairs, from which I’m about to graduate as the first person to earn a master’s in the school’s new political communications program, wrote a feature on me for the website. Not only that, but my sure-to-be-amazing GovLoop fellowship even got a mention.

We Love our Feds, and So does GEICO

Geico is dedicated to serving those who serve our nation, but did you know that they also honor them? Federal employees better our country and make a difference every day, but rarely get the praise they deserve. In 1980, The GEICO Public Service Awards were established to emphasize GEICO’s belief that the contributions of manyRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Should the Smithsonian Ban Products Made Overseas?

If you’re up for a challenge, you should definitely try your hand at Washington Post columnist Ed O’Keefe’s recent quiz on where popular Smithsonian souvenir items were manufactured. It is tougher than you might think… Guess Where Smithsonian Gifts Are Made Which leads me to a larger point, as well as another blog post fromRead… Read more »

When APPS and AppStore Have Nothing to Do with APPLE – The Joy of Government Program Acronyms

Authored by Micheal Mullen Government’s long list of acronyms often comes with unintended (or perhaps intended) double meanings. While our first role is to help GovWin members find new opportunities that best suit their company’s specialties, here are a few program names that caught our eye as we were searching through the INPUT database. ForRead… Read more »

Is Money the Right Metric For Government?

Listening to the media discuss our debt can be exhausting. Every day we are bombarded with huge dollar figures to be dealt with: $14.3 trillion in debt, $38 billion cut this year, $4 trillion proposed cut for 2012. Is that really the discussion that we should be focusing on? Is the 50,000 foot discussion whereRead… Read more »