Project Management

Blog : Kindness – by Mark Leheney

I’ve adopted a new practice I want to share with you, because it’s making a real difference in my own life, and maybe it could in yours, too. You know the bumper sticker, “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty?” The one some people sneer at? Well, the people who made and display thatRead… Read more »

ACS Business Skills First Access

A few days after the Austrlaian Computer Society told me I was selected as one of the initial students for the pilot is running an ACS Business Skills On-Line Pilot Program. I received an email message with the user-id and password. It was a slight inconvenience that my ACS id and password were not usedRead… Read more »

The Zen of Cultural Change

It is time to move from creating a more open government to sustaining open government. Yes, there is a lot more work to do in making agencies on all levels of government are releasing their data and becoming transparent. Governments have successfully picked the low-hanging fruit of opening up their datasets. It’s now time toRead… Read more »

Free PMP Exam Sample Question

The following PMP Exam Sample Question is taken from – The answer is at the very bottom: —————————— What is the need for doing a qualitative risk analysis? A) To develop options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to project objectives. B) To determine which risk might affect the project. C)Read… Read more »

Choose your own Democracy?

I don’t know if it’s true in the States, but over here, when I was a child, some books in a series called Choose your own Adventure were absolutely massive. Huge, in fact. They were bartered and traded with mass excitement, boys face shiny with enthusiasm and determination to get hold of the missing bookRead… Read more »

Neurophysiotherapy Medical Scans To Diagnose PTSD in Veterans and Servicemembers: PhysioSympath, Gary J Maguire, PT, MSPT

Problem: U.S. Army Soldiers are enduring unyielding high operational tempo in garrison and the combat field of operations in order to keep pace with ongoing wartime mission requirements. The high tempo and increasingly common multiple deployments present many human physical and psychological challenges (Military Health Advisory Team IV (MHAT-IV), 2006; MHAT-V, 2008) that have aRead… Read more »

Katz on Quantitative Legal Prediction

Daniel Martin Katz, of the University of Michigan’s Center for the Study of Complex Systems and Computational Legal Studies, has posted Quantitative Legal Prediction, slides from his presentation at NELIC 2011: The New and Emerging Legal Infrastructures Conference, held 15 April 2011 at Boalt Hall, Berkeley, California, USA. The presentation describes a model for theRead… Read more »

LexPop is a new wiki-based website that invites participants to collaboratively craft public policy. LexPop’s About page points out that, despite sea-changes in how we communicate with one another, how we seek information and how we are entertained (all due to constant innovation), we make public policy in essentially the same way we always have.Read… Read more »

FBI Database Search and Discovery Capability Called DIVS is Best In Class

I was recently treated to a demonstration of a mission-focused IT solution that made me proud of what technologists at FBI can do. What I saw was a best in class integration of search, discovery and analysis tools known as DIVS (Data Integration and Visualization System). DIVS includes a framework that allows multiple tools, COTSRead… Read more »

The Reason Why the Budget Battle Will Go On—And How We Change It

Watching the budget battle play out these past few weeks (perhaps months and years) between Republicans and Democrats can only leave one feeling deep frustration and a sense that things will never truly change. Those emotions are not only accurate they are the clue to the true reason why deficits are soaring and budgets areRead… Read more »