Project Management

“Driving SharePoint Adoption”

My thanks to Portal Solutions CEO Daniel Cohen-Dumani and Marketing Director Joan Muschamp for today’s excellent “Collaboration TechTalk” discussion on this topic. If you missed the live show, you can catch the BlogTalkRadio recording on the web at this link. Key points during the program included the difference between data and useful information, the utilityRead… Read more »

Scottish councils embrace flexible working to cut costs

The Improvement Service in Scotland is delivering an ambitious project to help Scottish councils use flexible and agile working to help save money. Spearheaded by City of Edinburgh, Scottish Borders, West Lothian, Fife, Aberdeenshire and Argyll and Bute councils the project will deliver a range of online tools and hands on advice designed to helpRead… Read more »

Happy One Year Anniversary! A Year of Progress in Open Government

Though it’s being overshadowed by the budget discussions this week, it’s important to note (and celebrate!) that today (April 7th) is the one year anniversary of Agency Open Government Plans. Just one year ago, almost 30 plans were released from cabinet-level and independent Agencies that detailed how they would become more: Transparent in their work;Read… Read more »

Higher Education for Professionals

Professions Australia and Universities Australia are holding a Workshop on “Higher Education and the Professions in 2011 and Beyond”, 8 April 2011 in Canberra. The Program is available. The Austrlaian Computer Society is leading the way with internationally accredited tertiary level professional education, in conjunction with universities (such as my Green ICT course).The Professions makeRead… Read more »

Higher Education for Professionals

Professions Australia and Universities Australia are holding a Workshop on “Higher Education and the Professions in 2011 and Beyond”, 8 April 2011 in Canberra. The Program is available. The Austrlaian Computer Society is leading the way with internationally accredited tertiary level professional education, in conjunction with universities (such as my Green ICT course).The Professions makeRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Gary Locke on Reforming a System: Talking Leadership with the Secretary of Commerce

Gary Locke is the 36th U.S. Secretary of Commerce. He previously was a two-term governor of Washington and is the first Chinese-American in history to serve as governor. Secretary Locke is the presidential nominee to become the next U.S. ambassador to China. What leadership lessons did you learn as governor and how are you applyingRead… Read more »

Austin City Limits: What’s Holding Back Government Innovation in Austin, Texas?

***Part of our month-long series on Creating a Digital City with PDF – Check out all our analysis*** As municipalities across the country are exploring how to use the Internet to make theirs better places to live, some winning combinations of talent, policy and technology are beginning to emerge — as are problems with otherRead… Read more »

Shutdown Delay Equals a Second Chance for Contractors

Authored by GovWin’s Lindley Ashline If you’re a government contractor, the two-week continuing resolution passed by Congress this week to temporarily prevent a government shutdown is a second chance to prepare for the consequences such a shutdown would bring. Experts at today’s Instant Webinar, “Surviving a Government Shutdown,” shared some background on how shutdownsRead… Read more »