Project Management

Are You Stuck at 95% Complete?

At the weekly status meeting, things seem to be progressing well. Several team members report some of their many tasks at 95% complete. They have had other priorities and have to focus on something else for awhile, but they are almost done. The Next Week Again, things seem to be going very well. Many moreRead… Read more »

Why We Recommended Tumblr for the New Blog

Early last month, quietly launched the new blog on Tumblr. The launch was the result of six months of hard work by the team transitioning their previous blog (called GovGab) into a refreshed blog. We’re proud to have worked on this project for two key reasons: is the first federalRead… Read more »

Understanding success

I’m struggling with something at the moment. I might be the only one. But I figured if I don’t post I wont find out. I don’t know how to judge my own success at my job. There, I’ve said it. In my old post, I had clear targets and objectives. I knew what I neededRead… Read more »

Tell Us What Do You think Will happen to Small Businesses in a Government Shut Down

In 1996 Tom Daschle called the last shut down a premeditated conspiracy to impact small businesses and shut down the economy. Today we want to know the hard facts. Perhaps there is something we can learn especially from contracting officers, and program managers about what to expect from a Government Shut down. What will aRead… Read more »

Top 5: Reasons Is Now the Hottest Open Gov Project

In 1998, was considered the best website in government. Other than a redesign in 2001, their website has largely remained unchanged…and quite possibly had become the worst website in government. Here’s a screen shot of how it has looked for much of the past decade: Yesterday, GovLoop received a sneak peek at the Beta.FCC.govRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Invaluable Internships

At many schools, internships have become a required part of the college curriculum. It’s easy to understand why; no class project or case study is ever going to be as valuable as hands-on experience. Many students have very specific career goals – often knowing exactly where they want to work. An internship gives them aRead… Read more »