Project Management

Your Customers Don’t Care

I was in a local cafe the other day working on a Kanban training course I’ll be making available sometime soon. I grabbed the usual coffee for fuel and then a sugar avalanche of a toffee bar caught my eye. And I bought it. Because I have no impulse control whatsoever. I chewed the firstRead… Read more »

“Whosoever Desires Constant Success must Change his Conduct with the Times.”

This Machiavellian quote encapsulates this week’s blog, which is a continuation of last week’s blog where we categorized the six tactics people utilize to avoid accepting change. To recap, there are several different tactics that are typically taken that can be classified into the following six categories Only Game in Town We Are theRead… Read more »

Regulatory Frameworks for Distance Education

The first talk after lunch at CCA-EDUCAUSE Australasia 2011 in Sydney is “Regulatory Frameworks for Distance Education in the Asia/Pacific Region” by Stephen Marshall, Victoria University of Wellington. This was the result of a small research project on what is happening in the region. Organisations involved included DeHub, INQAAHE. Issues included social inclusion, role ofRead… Read more »

E-learning in Remote Aboriginal Communities

Greetings from day 2 of CCA-EDUCAUSE Australasia 2011 in Sydney. Dennis Sharpe, Memorial University of Newfoundland discussed a study of “E-learning in Small Remote Aboriginal Communities”. They found that web based learning was accepted as a viable option for remote locations, using both asynchronous and synchronous. Some students use the e-learning as a supplement toRead… Read more »

Research Administration Online

At CCA-EDUCAUSE Australasia 2011 in Sydney, Simon Porter from University of Melbourne talked about “eResearch Administration: The Game will change”. He demonstrated the on-line information provided about staff at University of Melbourne. This provides a list of publications by each staff member. They also produce diagrams of who collaborates with who.University of Melbourne no longerRead… Read more »

The Cloud and Cybersecurity

This post sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP. As part of federal CIO Vivek Kundra’s 25-point plan to reform federal IT management announced last December, federal agencies must adopt a “cloud-first” policy that requires them to move three applications to the “cloud” over the next 12 to 18 months. Agencies must identify theRead… Read more »

Killing investment in Smarter Government?

How many federal expenditures can you think of that have produced a 10,000% return-on-investment(ROI)? Medicare? Defense? TARP? According to US CIO Vivek Kundra, the $32 Million investment in data transparency has yielded federal IT program savings of $3 Billion. This figure does not include estimates for other economic benefits from data-driven innovation. For example, thanksRead… Read more »

Civil Protection 2.0 – More from Elena Rapisardi in Tuscany

Some of you will remember an earlier blog post about the webconference that Elena Rapisardi and I convened, in January, 2010, among people in Virginia, New Orleans, Boston, Italy (University of Ferrara campus) and in Dublin, with the generous assistance of Management Concepts staff. Elena, a member of the GovLoop community, continues her groundbreaking effortsRead… Read more »