Project Management

Houston taps Alvarion for municipal wifi

Municipal wifi is moving ahead in Houston. Yesterday, the city announced that it has chosen Alvarion to deploy a citywide 4G municipal network. The network will increase the city’s ability to provide more municipal services online, improve public safety support and better traffic management. According to the city’s municipal wifi plan, the new network willRead… Read more »

Houston taps Alvarion for municipal wifi

Municipal wifi is moving ahead in Houston. Yesterday, the city announced that it has chosen Alvarion to deploy a citywide 4G municipal network. The network will increase the city’s ability to provide more municipal services online, improve public safety support and better traffic management. According to the city’s municipal wifi plan, the new network willRead… Read more »

Apr 7 Keynote Address at Mobile Apps & Interactive Games Conf

Greenest City by 2020 Project: Bridging Digital and Traditional Participation in Vancouver, BC Susanna Haas Lyons / Public Engagement Specialist, and Researcher, University of British Columbia and Amanda Mitchell, Greenest City Planning Analyst at the City of Vancouver Join us for an exciting and indepth exploration of how the City of Vancouver, British Columbia,Read… Read more »

Where Is Waldo?

George Washington University professor Kathy Newcomer likened the Obama Administration’s performance agenda to a game of “Where is Waldo?” at a Brookings Institution forum last week on improving government performance. She says “you have to look carefully” to find it. She said there was no orchestrated campaign with a band leading the way. Newcomer’s insightRead… Read more »

Missouri asks for additional rail funds for Kansas City-St. Louis line

Missouri will join the group of states lining up to get billions in newly available federal railroad funds. According to an announcement this afternoon from Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, the state will be applying for funds to improve rail lines between St. Louis and Kansas City and lay the groundwork for a dedicated high-speed railRead… Read more »


Two weeks ago I had the good fortune to be invited on #eLearnChat, a live-streaming talk show (and podcast) about the eLearning industry hosted by Terrence Wing (@terrencewing) and Rick Zanotti (@rickzanotti). Every week, they interview someone from the industry, and they’ve had a bunch of highlights in the fifteen shows until I intruded inRead… Read more »

Choose Your Battles and Setting the Limits

In Congress the stakeholders’ desire to put just one more ornament on a piece of legislation leads to “Christmas Tree Bills” which often collapse under their own weight. Trying to pack too much into a project (or our lives) can lead to a diffusion of priorities and efforts. Keeping in mind an instructive saying thatRead… Read more »