Project Management

They tried to make us go to rehab. But we said “no,no,no.”

Teams need rehab too. And they can resist it as much as Amy Winehouse. How would you know if your team needed rehab? Here are a couple of clues … The team leader needs to intervene between team members regularly. For example, Team Member “A” ignores Team Member “B’s” repeated requests for information on aRead… Read more »

Need $$$$ For School? NIGP Scholarship Program

Think you are AWESOME enough to qualify? Apply here! Academic Scholarship This program is for: 1) students enrolled in an accredited college or University degree program leading to an academic degree in the field of, or related to, purchasing/procurement, materials management, supply chain management, inventory control, specifications development, contract administration, and contract negotiations or 2)Read… Read more »

Creating the Secret Sauce – Selecting Change Management Champions

To achieve successful implementation of major change, a public sector organization must identify multiple Change Management Champions (CMC) to help lead the grass roots efforts for change. Ideally, CMC candidates should opt into the role. After all, forcing employees to be a CMC would appear to be antithetical to what change management is all about.Read… Read more »

How to sustain high CRM User Adoption.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION We have found that the best way for organizations to “boost” and then “sustain” high CRM user adoption is to develop and implement a comprehensive user adoption strategy. Most CRM failures occur when organizations take a Go-Live centric approach to CRM (on-time & on-budget deliveryRead… Read more »

Democs: Smart In-Person Process for Small-Group Consultations

Stephen Whitehead, researcher at London, UK-based New Economics Foundation (nef), recently alerted me to a new paper of theirs: Connected Conversations Reflecting on nef’s decade of experience in democracy and participation, this pamphlet argues that tackling the biggest issues, from climate change to social inequality, needs to start with small conversations between friends and neighbours.Read… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Traditionals and Boomer ‘Hot Buttons’” – Part II

Hi, Getting some enthusiastic and thoughtful response to the Gentor ™ and Gentoring ™ concepts: a) the legal magazine, KNOW, wants to publish my first “Gentoring” article (see link below), b) a Colonel at a military war college wants to brainstorm program ideas re: my “Bridging the Generational Divide” programs, c) another Colonel and colleagueRead… Read more »

Government Reorganization? Why? How? LIVE NOTES!

Back here at NAPA again on this beautiful Spring-like morning for another great discussion. This time we’ll be tackling the President’s SOTU comments about reorganizing the federal government. Tough topic so hopefully we’ll get some great information about how this process is already being implemented, as well as the challenges it faces. Much like yesterday’sRead… Read more »