Project Management

Chief Officer Central

Over the past two decades, Congress and the Executive Branch have created a series of “chief officer” positions in agencies, supported by cross-government councils. Council leaders are now changing the way they manage them to boost government efficiency and effectiveness in lean times. Agencies facing increasingly challenging fiscal environments are looking for ways to makeRead… Read more »

This is Govable: The U.S. Air Force Small Business Website

Get ready for another installment of This is Govable, a series that will highlight positive government examples of improved collaboration through technology and design. Today’s example that I’d like to share with you is the U.S. Air Force Small Business website*. (Background information provided by Tim Dzyacky): The U.S. Air Force Small Business program hasRead… Read more »

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.

You interfered with the productivity of my project team member. Prepare to die. I saw this as a twitter status on my #agile view recently and couldn’t resist doing a blog post with this theme from The Princess Bride. It’s a topic I’m very passionate about. (Productivity that is. Well, I like the movie too!)Read… Read more »

TransportationCamp East and the Future of Transportation

This weekend is TransportationCamp East, a two-day unconference in NYC about urban transportation and technology. In leading up to the (un)conference, I’ve been doing some thinking about what the future of transportation in urban areas is, or should be. (See Microtransportation is the Future of Getting Around in Cities, Want to Revolutionize Traffic? Open aRead… Read more »

IBM, Esri launch municipal location-based analytics pilot projects

IBM is helping cities become more efficient by visualizing and analyzing their physical and digital assets in real-time using location-based analytics. The company intends to do this with two municipal pilot projects in Wilmington, North Carolina and Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The cities will use IBM software and embedded sensors to examine their infrastructure and operationsRead… Read more »

Online, Interactive Digital Engagement Governance – a.k.a. Approaching Social Media Governance as a Method

This will be the first in an ongoing set of entries about Interactive Digital Engagement Governance. Contact me or Navigation Arts in McLean, VA for more information, or for ideas regarding planning and implementing such a methodology at your organization. The concept of governance isn’t new at all to organizations building websites, whether inside (asRead… Read more »