Project Management


Every now and again I read something which resonates, something which sets the little alarm bells ringing and puts a big grin on my face. Put Feelings First on Fast Company is one of those articles – the link is to the online version and I read the offline version which is slightly different butRead… Read more »

Speaking/Workshop Program: “Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide or “Don’t Be Afraid to Pet the Dinosaur!”

In today’s 24/7 always on, multicultural world and workforce, rapidly cycling between constant upgrading and “doing more with less,” creating communication and team coordination bridges among the organizational generations (and among all its culturally diverse components) is mission and morale critical. There’s definitely a need for a wide communication-relationship highway to surmount the digital divideRead… Read more »

Designing for Dialogue

Lyn Stephens, Director of the Australian Centre for Dialogue Project dropped in on Friday. The project’s aim is to provide facilities people to discuss issues of public interest. Lyn wanted to see how technology could help foster discussion, both in real and virtual spaces, so visited me at the ANU College of Engineering and ComputerRead… Read more »

Reuniting America: A Toolkit for Changing the Political Game

Joseph McCormick, co-founder of Reuniting America, and humorist Steve Bhaerman have just released a new e-Book directly relevant to our national situation, Reuniting America: A Toolkit for Changing the Political Game. As old top-down ways of governing prove inadequate in the face of increasing complexity, it is a manifesto for a transpartisan “grassroots up-wising.” DownloadRead… Read more »

Weekly Links Roundup 2.21.11

Observe Everything. Communicate Well. Draw, Draw, Draw. Frank Thomas, Disney Animator, When asked to give advice to young animators McDonald’s Aiming to Start Healthy Food Chain: Well what do you know…the fast food giant is looking to correct the public health disasters they’ve helped to engineer with creating a chain of healthy food restaurants. IRead… Read more »

Can’t I just Email Them? Why User Adoption Cannot Occur Remotely.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION Do you remember when there was no email system? When you had only two choices of either meeting by phone or in person to conduct business? As amazing as technology is – along with its conveniences – it also has the potential to take awayRead… Read more »