Project Management

Getting it Right: Critical Success Factors for Change Management Initiatives, Part 1

There are multiple Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that a successful Change Management (CM) program needs, so I decided to devote two separate blogs to the concept. After working with several public sector clients, helping spearhead their change initiatives, I have identified the following CSFs: Effective program management Strong support from the executive champion Clear goalsRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Clear the Air Utah – Drive Less, Breathe Better!

Last week, Andre Blackman reported on an initiative in Salt Lake City called “Clear the Air.” Truth be told, he beat me to the punch! I had interviewed Kate Lilja just a few weeks prior and couldn’t wait to post this Project of the Week…and Andre’s post affirmed the fact that this is an effortRead… Read more »

NYC, LA and SF will be hubs for electric vehicles, report says

A new report issued earlier this month predicts nearly 400,000 new plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) will be cruising American streets per year by 2017. Clean technology market research firm, Pike Research, says that three California cities, Chicago and New York City will lead the way in adoption of these electric vehicles over the next fiveRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part III: Creating the Project Tasks

Welcome to Part Three of the five-week series on best using the Small Project Management Guide. In the previous weeks we talked about defining the project product and obtaining agreement on what the project will accomplish. Now it is time to plan the project work in detail so our team can begin their work. HereRead… Read more »


I love the word, but that’s beside the point. An old ex boyfriend found me today on Twitter. No dramas, we parted company reasonably amicably and time passes and turns reasonably into water passing under bridges. We swapped details, little has changed, he’s doing very well for himself as a PM at Channel 4 andRead… Read more »

Keeping Focus on Mission IT at ODNI CIO

I’ve previously written about some of the challenges of IT support in the national security space. Leaders have to balance competing mandates of mission support and security and have to do that in an environment constrained by resource limits and slowed by layers of oversight. One of the most challenging positions in the national securityRead… Read more »