Project Management

March 1, 2011 – Last Chance to Be a 2012 Code for America City

March 1, 2011 is the last chance for local governments to apply for the 2012 Code for America City Program. The competitive program enables forward-thinking cities to solve a critical civic problem with technology and become leaders in the open government movement. Three to five cities selected to participate will partner with talent from theRead… Read more »

Broadening Public Discussion

Today I attended a meeting at the Moot Court at the Australian National University in Canberra from 12:30pm to 4pm. Fourteen people from academia, government and industry were discussing the creation of the “Australia Forum”, a project for enabling public policy discussion. I attended for the School of Computer Science at ANU which researches theRead… Read more »

From Recent College Grad to CPO: It’s a Gov Up..Mash Up!

That’s right! If you haven’t heard about the Gov Up that is taking place tomorrow at Public House in National Harbour, then you’re missing out! The “Rock Your Career” Gov Up, will be a Mash Up of young govies and experienced executives. Holding true to the “melting pot” American spirit, individuals from the private sector,Read… Read more »

Structuring the e-Document Course

Previously I grouped 8 SFIA Skills for an Electronic Document and Records Management course at the ANU under three headings:Strategy & architecture Information strategyInformation managementInformation policy formationInformation content publishingBusiness change Business change managementBusiness analysisSolution development and implementation Systems developmentData analysisDatabase/ Original post

Recognizing Difference

Used under Creative Commons, Image by Flickr user Nevada Tumbleweed I love Tuesdays. For the next several months, I’m engaged in a project that is a lot of fun for me because it taps into some of my favorite skills. I often tell people that being an Emergency Manager is very similar to being anRead… Read more »

Using Prizes as Innovation Engines

President Obama said he wanted to spur innovation, in his State of the Union address. Actually, this effort started in earnest last year through the use of prizes and contents as a complement to traditional research and development. As promised in an earlier blog post on this topic, the IBM Center now has a report,Read… Read more »

What Would We Do Without Interns?

I don’t know about you, but GovLoop really appreciates our interns. We try to give them meaningful (vs. menial) projects that enable them to learn something, expand their networks and advance their careers while they’re with us. We even call them Fellows vs. interns as it seems more distinguished…like the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program.Read… Read more »

Small Business Teaming Pilot Program

Congress’ Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 includes an array of provisions aimed at helping small businesses gain access to capital, compete for government contracting opportunities, expand exporting opportunities and obtain other assistance to help them grow and create jobs. One of those provisions is The Small Business Teaming Pilot Program which provides grants toRead… Read more »