Project Management

Working Together With AICC

by Jonathan Poltrack I’m really happy to announce that, as of today, our Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Technical Team is beginning a joint effort with the Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) that will update the CMI Data Model. This effort, along with Project Tin Can, furthers the Future Learning Experience Project. Many of you knowRead… Read more »

Feds want pilot programs to address congestion problems

The federal Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration is looking for a few good pilot programs that could help address the nation’s $60+ billion congestion problem. The application deadline for a $10.5 million grant from the Department of Transportation for Value Pricing Pilot (VPP) programs has been extend by two weeks, an announcementRead… Read more »

Working Together With AICC

by Jonathan Poltrack I’m really happy to announce that, as of today, our Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Technical Team is beginning a joint effort with the Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) that will update the CMI Data Model. This effort, along with Project Tin Can, furthers the Future Learning Experience Project. Many of you knowRead… Read more »

I Love Giving Away Project Management Books

You may remember the last contest. Here is another. I was in contact with a few more publishers towards the beginning of this month and a few books to giveaway caught my eye. One of those was a new book by Jurgen Appelo titled “Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders“. And something aboutRead… Read more »

Climate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT Industry

Lee Stewart from The Climate Project (TCP) will sopeak on “Climate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT Industry” in Sydney, 2 March 2011. The ACS also runs the masters-level online course “Green Technology Strategies” in the ACS Computer Professional Education Program.Australian Computer SocietyClimate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT IndustryThis presentationRead… Read more »

Climate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT Industry

Lee Stewart from The Climate Project (TCP) will sopeak on “Climate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT Industry” in Sydney, 2 March 2011. The ACS also runs the masters-level online course “Green Technology Strategies” in the ACS Computer Professional Education Program.Australian Computer SocietyClimate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT IndustryThis presentationRead… Read more »

What I’m doing at Code for America

For the last two weeks – and for much of January – I’m in San Francisco helping out with Code for America. What’s Code for America? Think Teach for America, but rather than deploying people into classrooms to help provide positive experiences for students and teachers while attempting to shift the culture of school districts,Read… Read more »

Summary of NCDD survey on race dialogue — and next steps

Before the holidays, three was a flurry of dozens of messages on the NCDD Discussion list (our main listserv, with 1150 subscribers) on issues of race and racism within a period of a couple of days. Though our listserv can be a great place to discuss practice-related questions and share announcements, it is not aRead… Read more »

Australian IT Flood Relief Program

A group of people from the IT industry have set up “Queensland IT Flood Relief Program” to provide free second hand computers to organisations which lost equipment in the January 2011 Queensland floods. They are asking for donations of PCs, printers, servers, from across Australia. They will service and distribute them.This appears similar to theRead… Read more »

Rock Star Conditioning: 4 things you can do today to bring out your inner business Rock Star

The start of a New Year for most means time to wax nostalgically on the previous year and set out to embark on the New Year with all kinds of well-meant resolutions for the future. I, like many others, have set audacious goals for myself with every intention of following through and like many othersRead… Read more »