Project Management

The Collaborator’s Dilemma

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about collaboration and Game Theory. More specifically I’ve been examining and re-examining the Prisoner’s Dilemma in hopes of learning more about how transparency affects collaboration, and I think I may be on to something. Primer Game theory attempts to mathematically capture behaviour in strategic situations (games). The prisoner’s dilemmaRead… Read more »

GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 Explained: # 1

This post is the first in a series on the recently-passed GPRA Modernization Act of 2010. The bill is 19 pages long and the media has not provided the level of detail that a performance wonk might find helpful. So I’ll be providing summaries and extracts from law and the Senate committee report over theRead… Read more »

ADL’s Future Learning Experience Project

Today marks the first day of Advanced Distributed Learning’s (ADL’s) Future Learning Experience Project, a major new effort from ADL that returns our organization to its roots in Applied Research & Development in the learning technology space.For those unfamiliar with what ADL is, it is an initiative out of the Office of the Secretary ofRead… Read more »

Who Wants a Leadership Coach?

In a conversation with a colleague recently, we discussed the difference between needing and wanting. Needs are those things that are essential and important and, in truth, our needs are quite simple—food, shelter, water. With those basics met, we have everything we “need” to survive. Wants, on the other hand, are desires or wishes forRead… Read more »

Changes in 2011

My son announced last week that he was moving out on his own. This wasn’t a huge surprise to me; he’s 21 years old, he just finished up his Culinary certificate program and has a job and he’s itching to be on his own and “all grown-up” (weren’t we all at 21?). He’s moving intoRead… Read more »