Project Management

Open Government: Government of Catalonia’s Open Data Project a Reality

The Government of Catalonia initiated the Government of Catalonia Open Data Project so that the general public, businesses and other organisations would be able to have access and re-use public sector data. This data will then be able to be used to create value. For the full story visit:’s-open-data-project-is-already-a-realityel-proyecto-datos-abiertos-de-la-generalidad-de-c/?lang=en Favorite

Getting to Know the Elephant

About two months ago, Lovisa Williams of the State Department wrote on her blog about about six areas that need attention if the current changes in government (toward openness, transparency, and collaboration) are to be institutionalized : People. We need to find ways to support the change agents and others who are working to ensureRead… Read more »

Join the Virtual Student Foreign Service at the Department of State – One Week Left to Apply

The State Department’s Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) eInternship applications are available on (search “VSFS eInternship”) from November 3-17. If you are a U.S. citizen college or graduate student interested in conducting digital diplomacy through a virtual eInternship with a U.S. Embassy, Consulate, or Mission overseas, this program may be for you. Students fromRead… Read more »

GovLoop Live Chat- Rebooting the Public Sector, MacroWikinomics, & Next Thursday

********************************************************** JOIN US NEXT THURSDAY, NOV 18 AT 2pm – RSVP HERE! *********************************************************************************** I’m super-duper excited to announce our next GovLoop Live Chat next Thursday, November 18th at 2pm EST with Anthony Williams, co-author, MacroWikinomics-Rebooting Business and the World. This live chat is brought to you by our great partner Google – make sure toRead… Read more »

Where Malcom Gladwell Left Off: Social Media & Next Generation Democracy

This post originally appeared on my blog, Last month Malcom Gladwell wrote an article in the New Yorker: “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted.” I’ve been thinking about this article ever since it came out, and people have asked me to respond on several occasions. When I read Next Generation DemocracyRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Do You Have a “Duty to Die”?

This interview marks the third of a brand new series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are teaching, researching and writing about government issues. This time, we talked to Dr. James Keagle, Director of the Transforming National Security at theRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: US Postal Service OIG Audit Project Pages

****************************** Not a GovLoop Member? JOIN HERE! ****************************** A couple weeks ago, I met Timothy Cole, an auditor in the US Postal Service (USPS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG). He shared with me a pretty cool crowd-sourcing project they launched recently, called “Office of Inspector General Audit Project Pages.” My interview with him isRead… Read more »

Changecasting: A Better Way to Communicate Change?

In the last twenty years, I’ve probably read hundreds of books and articles on organizational change. My dissertation was a case study of a major organizational change. In all that time and all that I read, I found very little that dealt with how to best communicate a vision for change. The advice was mostlyRead… Read more »

Nominations for the 2011 Federal 100 awards program due Dec 17

Federal Computer Week is now accepting nominations for the 2011 Federal 100 awards program, which recognizes individuals in government and industry who have played pivotal roles in the federal IT community in 2010. All nominations must be submitted via the electronic form below. The deadline is Dec. 17, 2010. Here are guidelines for submitting nominations.Read… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Elections, Projections and Suggestions

Welcome to week number two of… Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’re summarizing the best of the week and highlighting five members or moments that were especially awesome. 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was posted by Daniel Honker, who asked “What do the mid-term elections mean for public servants?” In fact, HonkerRead… Read more »