Project Management

GovUp Boston Round Up – If You Got A Problem Yo I’ll Solve It

First off let me say that Boston was definitely a great city to end our GovUps tour in. All the cities rocked but Boston definitely brought the energy! We had tons of different people repping different places from all levels: federal (GSA people in Boston were a blast), State of Mass, YGL Boston and more.Read… Read more »

Fixing IT Acquisition is About Execution, not Just Personnel

From The Acquisition Corner According to recent reporting by Federal Times on the state of federal information technology (IT) acquisition and program management, the Government is ill prepared to purchase and manage large scale IT programs due to poorly trained staff, and poor collaboration with industry. Certainly contributing factors, but the issues are much moreRead… Read more »

But I Don’t WANNA Change!

How many of us have thought (or said) those words? Whether we like it or not, social media has changed the way we communicate and interact with other people. For some that change has been exciting for others it has been exhausting, but for anyone engaged in social media, they have already accomplished one thingRead… Read more »

Can Government 2.0 survive its success stories?

Dustin Haisler, CIO in Manor, Texas, announced his departure from Manor to take on the role of Director of Government Innovation for Spigit. This is a tremendous opportunity for Dustin and one he has certainly earned. His ability to create positive changes, working in partnership with leaders in local government, has been extraordinary. His move,Read… Read more »

Book Review – “Next Generation Democracy: What the Open Source Revolution Means for Power, Politics, and Change”

One of the reasons I started BYO was so that I could work with clients I believe in, and help push forward values and ways of governance and civic engagement that I think will change this country and the world for the better. So far we’ve been able to realize that goal, especially in ourRead… Read more »

Since you put it that way… Making sense of making a decision about the cloud.

In my opinion, the cloud provides the most cost effective, innovative, efficient, reliable and secure method of providing specific core IT services to business and organizations. Most people out there, or at least those people in IT, already know about the cloud, and most of us have our own thoughts and perceptions about what itRead… Read more »

Welcoming Citizen 2.0 into Your Agency

Over the past few weeks, I’ve written about the other half of Gov 2.0: Citizen 2.0. My goal has been twofold: first, to help citizens understand that engaging government isn’t all-or-nothing. Citizens can participate in meaningful ways both from home and outside it. They can work in and for their community by themselves and asRead… Read more »