Project Management

Secretary Gary Locke’s Letter to DOC Employees

The rally to celebrate the 2010 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) of the National Capital Area for the Department of Commerce is coming! What: Commerce 2010 CFC Rally When: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. Where: DOC Auditorium Come to our star-studded ceremony planned to inform you about this year’s campaign. Remember to — •Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: October 29, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It Came from 2005: (Government Social Media activities, that is!) Here’s an interesting timeline of government social media activities. The Administration believes the problem of online trust has no government solution, reports Fierce Government IT. The CDC has published a social media toolkit. OSTP has created a committee on Internet and privacy policy.Read… Read more »

Kindle Lending Programs in Libraries Update

Thanks to Montrese Hamilton, Librarian for the Society for Human Resource Management in Alexandria, Va., for sharing an update on the results from a series of listserv inquiries she made regarding Kindle lending programs in libraries. Read on… Recently, I wrote a summary of responses to my survey of three Special Libraries Association discussion listsRead… Read more »

Government Studies

Reading these 3 articles one really has to wonder if they are talking about the same study! Now I know it is ONLY 17 million dollars and we are ONLY talking about ~300 life’s per year but really! From the Denver Post: The U.S. Army will spend $17 million over the next three years tryingRead… Read more »

Overcoming rejection in the job search

The Two Poisons That Destroy Your Job Search ChancesThere are two kinds of poison that can destroy someone’s job search,both stemming from your reaction to rejection.As most people know, the job search is filled with rejection. (InRichard Nelson Bolles’s classic book, What Color is Your Parachute,it’s described as “no no no no no no noRead… Read more »

E-gov and inequality in public participation

Despite e-government initiatives, most agency decisions are made without public participation, according to Cary Coglianese’s blog on the University of Pennsylvania Law School website. Coglianese, the director of the Penn Program on Regulation, studied the topic and concluded, “Contrary to prevailing predictions, empirical research shows that e-rulemaking makes little difference: citizen input remains typically sparse.”Read… Read more »

GovLoop India: I’ll Help You Make It Happen

Update: GovLoop India exists now. GovLoop has extended its influence to the UK, Canada, Israel, Australia and even Russia. However, there’s little on GovLoop about India — the world’s second most populous country. We should change that with a GovLoop India group. What’s going for it — it’s second most populous country and most populousRead… Read more »

…But Do You Respect Your HR Team?

Once viewed as a necessary evil to the organization, today’s effective HR Teams are no longer an organizational obstacle. Do you believe that? Before you answer, check out what employees have said at Google, SAS Southwest Airlines and, yes, even the govies at the Nuclear Regulatory Agency. Today’s global network demands that successful Human ResourcesRead… Read more »

(Outrageous) Confession of a Government Man

Welcome to another blog. I am a retired Senior Executive (GSA) and the author of a recently published book, Confessions of a Government Man: How to Succeed in Any Bureaucracy. This post is another book excerpt, abbreviated and cleaned up a bit for family entertainment. My subordinates were aware of my many “rules.” This oneRead… Read more »