Project Management

Building great teams

I was listening to the opening keynote speech at the 2010 National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) this morning. The keynote speaker, Jared Spool spoke about building great user experiences and much of what he is sharing is relevant to not just design but also to successfully managing change In an organization. Jared has beenRead… Read more »

Introducing You Can’t Be Serious

Hello, GovLoop! I’m excited to start this new column, You Can’t Be Serious, in which I’ll try to answer questions posed by the GovLoop community that stem from their experiences working for, in, or with government agencies. Feel free to send me a message on GovLoop with your thorniest/craziest/facepalm-inducingest work-related conundrum. I can help youRead… Read more »

Better Project Management is the Key to Gov 2.0

I was going to post more about Process Intelligence and the Adaptive Project Framework last Monday but I was snowed under at work. Good thing because John Kamensky posted a great comment on President Obama’s Accountable Government Initiative. As I read the snapshots of the six initiatives, I was struck by how the success ofRead… Read more »

Project of Week – Redesign

So I noticed on Twitter that @andrewpwilson was part of a team that was doing a redesign of and I thought it would be a great project of week to hear the story about it. I reached out and here’s his responses. Shout out to team – First things first, Andrew wanted to makeRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 18, 2010

To public participation (an all-Alex Howard edition, nearly): Sarah Perez: Study – Location-Based Services Users are Passionate but Niche Alex Howard: Canadian Apps for Climate Change Winners Announced More Alex Howard: Channeling crowdsourcing into distributed work Even more Alex Howard: 2010 is the year of participatory platforms Aaron Wherry: Is public data the future ofRead… Read more »

If You Won’t Vote, I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution

This article was originally published in the Huffington Post. Memo to all progressives, activists, eco-warriors and Lefty paradigm shifters: I get it, I get it. Obama is a wimp. The Senate is completely dysfunctional, and your congressperson isn’t doing nearly enough. Right. Check. Now get over yourselves and vote. I agree that the stimulus billRead… Read more »

Setting Goals for Government: Revising GPRA

Here’s a re-posting of a piece I co-authored with Jonathan Breul, Robert Shea, and Jitinder Kohli on the Center for American Progress’s “Doing What Works” website. It’s significant in that it is by senior staffers who worked on government performance issues from the Reagan, Clinton, and both Bush administrations. It explains why the Senate shouldRead… Read more »