Project Management

Infrastructure Links Products to Markets Worldwide

KPMG’s Infrastructure Advisory Team has published its “Top 100″ compiling infrastructure projects from around the globe. International channel pros and marketing experts ought to care a lot about the quality of roads, canals, bridges and power transmission systems. It’s inspiration and creativity, on a mammoth scale. Like Hanson Marketing, infrastructure Links Products to Markets Worldwide.Read… Read more »

How green is your mobile phone? And do you care?

How green is your phone? And do you care? The article in the Guardian swats at Apple, who refused to participate in the UK program analyzing popular mobile phones. Fast Company has a somewhat grayer take on this information, and challenges the way the phones were analyzed. Meanwhile, I’m hoping that some genius engineerRead… Read more »

So…brilliant Govloopians: who do you think needs to know about this cool green project?

Howdy, Govloopians: I just posted a link to this very cool green office renovation-going-for-LEED-green project going on at 26 Federal Plaza in New York City, spearheaded by GSA. (edited now so you can actually go to it! :)) I am a green nerd, and I also am a contractor working on GSA content, soRead… Read more »

VERY COOL! 13 maps of the Ground Zero Mosque location

“Two blocks away” “600 feet away” “Near Ground Zero” “A stone’s throw away” “Not at Ground Zero” “Right there” There are many ways to describe in words the location of the controversial “Ground Zero Mosque” — all colored, of course, by your personal take on the project. While the above phrases are technically accurate, orRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Power IT Down!

What if saving money and energy were as simple as the flip of a switch or the push of a button? It is! You can save millions of dollars (and our planet) by powering down your computer every day. But let’s start small. What if you were asked to power down just one day forRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 24, 2010

The data, it connects us: David McCandless: The Beauty of Data Visualization Austin Carr: Candidates Turn to YouTube for Geo-Specific Ad Campaigns for Mid-term Elections Sean Reilly: Future of rule making – Pilot project aims to increase public participation Andrew Wilson: Envisioning a More Social Future for Public Health Amelia Chen: Twitter is Buzziest inRead… Read more »

The Speed of Change

Notes From NAGWI “grew up” in IT when applications were flow-charted, lines of code written, compiled, debugged, compiled again, then deployed and hopefully documented. And the process took forever. Ask mainframe users. Early last year, when we launched social media in Morris County, I spent forever (in today’s terms… about a week) figuring out throughRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Pedal to the Metal or Foot on the Breaks?

The Federal Government fiscal year 2011 budget indicates the intent to hire more federal employees. How many you ask? Over the next few years, the Center for Human Capital Information (who happens to be a member of the Portal for Talent Management in Government) indicates the number to be between 300,000 to 400,000 new federalRead… Read more »

Rocking the State: Human Resources

In the last decade, technology has transformed business, media and education. Telecommuting and web conferencing are increasingly common solutions to the problem of expensive travel. New applications like Twitter and Facebook make it easier for people, businesses and brands to connect. Leaving aside the question of paper books, there are few reasons to mourn theRead… Read more »