Project Management

Governance Blues? Build the Blocks

Government websites have been prevalent since 1995. Fifteen years. Yet agencies still have internal struggles over who should “own” the website and web team, and there is no commonly-accepted model for a web governance structure across government. Even agencies with seemingly strong “web governance” have seen it all fall apart when administrations changed. Governance seemsRead… Read more »

Why is change so difficult in government?

Change is difficult in government because we are approaching it the wrong way. In order to change, we need to go from a problem-focused mindset to a solution-focused mindset. In Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard, the authors explain this concept as “pursuing the bright spots.” “To pursue bright spots is toRead… Read more »

What Can the Government Learn From a $100,000 Salt & Pepper Shaker?

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I finally got around to reading “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. If you’re not familiar with Randy’s story, read about it here or watch the video below. I highly recommend this if you’re about to have a child, already a parent, if you’reRead… Read more »

Mind the Gap: How Innovative Partnerships Can Help Fill the Funding Gap

In my introductory posting in the “jennovation” series for Govloop and Phase One Consulting Group’s Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, I introduced you to an innovative platform known as the Department of Education’s Innovation Portal. This week I want to describe a little more about how that portal, in combination with and theRead… Read more »

In Pursuit of Coherence

Gary Berg-Cross poses an interesting question, soliciting ideas on the top priorities for Open Government. I started to leave a comment on his blog, but found myself extending and revising my remarks, and exceeding the reasonable length for a comment. Perhaps the priority for Open Government is to aim for something beyond Openness. While theRead… Read more »

3 Tips for Job Search Success

ClearedJobs.Net’s Patra Frame provides three tips for job search success: Tip # 3: Prepare your References! Figure out your references and get them briefed early in your job search. You should ask those past bosses, project managers, clients or users whose knowledge of your achievements will help you soar past other applicants to become yourRead… Read more »

Citizen networks – what can we learn from the science of epigenetics?

Not all that long ago, the scientific community was justifiably ecstatic about having achieved mapping of the human genome – The Human Genome project. The promise was that by understanding genetic mapping we could find cures for disease, disability, and perhaps enhance longevity. But an interesting development has occurred. Scientists are now learning thatRead… Read more »

Value Added Flow Analysis

How to consistently take up to 80% of the time out of a process History Counts Just like the story of the Easter Ham, how many of us seen behaviors and beliefs that over time had significantly departed from best practices? Perhaps even practiced a few ourselves? “I don’t know who discovered water, but I’mRead… Read more »

Announcing Web Manager University 2010-2011 Course Schedule

I am excited today to announce the 2010-2011 Web Manager University Course Schedule. We are kicking off this year in the spirit of customer service by hosting Doug Lipp, Formerly the Head of training at Disney’s Corporate Headquarters, to give a FREE webinar – The Magic of Exceptional Customer Service on Thursday, September 9, 2010.Read… Read more »

Ontología Jurídica Libre: Vocabulario de Derecho = Free Legal Ontology: Vocabulary of Law

Ontología Jurídica Libre: Vocabulario de Derecho = Free Legal Ontology: Vocabulary of Law, has been made available by Javier de la Cueva, Esq., of and Medialab-Prado. The ontology is intended especially for use by government entities, for modeling and enabling identification and retrieval of legal documents and services produced or offered by government. ClickRead… Read more »