Project Management

Innovative Partnerships: There’s More than One Way to Build a Road

In the last posting for my featured Govloop series and Phase One Consulting Group’s “Transformation in the Federal Sector” blog, otherwise known as “jennovation”, I highlighted the major motivations for public-private partnerships. In the discussion resulting from that posting, it was clear that there was some confusion about what forms public-private partnerships can take. AreRead… Read more »

Member-of-the-Week: Sara Estes Cohen

Sara Estes Cohen Project Manager, Teracore, Inc. Department of Homeland Security First Responder Communities of Practice Gulf Coast Oil Spill Forum 1. What was your path to public service/current job? Born and raised in New Orleans, after college I moved home and I was living there and working as a rock and rollRead… Read more »

Aligning Training with Strategic Agency Results

Open Dialogue on Aligning Training with Strategic Agency Results Warren Master and Russ Linden Warren: In my recent review of Russ Linden’s new book – Leading Across Boundaries: Creating Collaborative Agencies in a Networked World ( – I encourage public management practitioners to avail themselves of the many case illustrations and user-friendly tools the authorRead… Read more »

When Co-workers Hand You Lemons….

Is it really THAT easy to make lemonade? It’s a rainy Saturday here in Alexandria, VA. There are three very professional men from Well Home working in my house right now to make it more green and energy efficient. Well Home has been wonderful. I don’t want to digress however I do want to giveRead… Read more »

Reinhard Mohn Prize 2011: Vitalizing democracy through participation

Democracy – the core of our modern society – is facing significant challenges. With the upcoming Reinhard Mohn Prize 2011, the Bertelsmann Stiftung – a German Foundation – will therefore focus on the crucial topic of “Vitalizing Democracy through Participation”. The 2011 Reinhard Mohn prize carries a value of Euro 150.000 and will be awardedRead… Read more »

Employee Wellness Programs

Our Human Resources Department staff have initiated a Workplace Wellness program for County employees. Their first step was to survey employees to identify risk status, demographics, workplace culture, and how staff would best like to receive information about the various programs and challenges the Wellness Committee would deliver. Now that they have decided on theRead… Read more »

Next Generation in Government Summit follow up

Getting the opportunity to participate in the Next Generation in Government Summit this past Tuesday was truly a honor. I am sure I speak for everyone who attended the event in thanking GovLoop and YGL for putting together something so fun and valuable! Working at the Partnership for Public Service and conducting interviews for myRead… Read more »

Looking for senior leadership topics to be discussed at upcoming conference

Hello all, First off, let me say how great the NGG Summit was – excellent networking opportunity! Now to the matter at hand – I would greatly appreciate feedback as to hot topics that would be appropriate for an upcoming senior leadership conference I am putting together. Brief background – the group is from anRead… Read more »

Maybe we’ll know it’s Gov 2.0 when we don’t call it Gov 2.0 anymore

This is my first blog post within GovLoop. I am happy to be here. A little gov/tech background: I am a writer/editor/project manager/interactive designer who is currently working as a contractor on a federal website. I call myself a content wrangler; I’ve done everything from write copy for tiny display cards in a Kentucky arboretumRead… Read more »