Project Management

Do you need a big fancy title to transform Government IT?

The idea that change can be initiated at every level of an organization is the cornerstone of our corporate and government philosophy. We agree and herald the idea that in our organization, noone’s voice is too small, no title is too low, no person is too insignificant, and that change and transformation can start anywhereRead… Read more »

Mary on Mentoring

Mary Cummings of NASA shared her experiences in setting up “Mentor and Reverse Mentoring” Programs and how to have a successful mentor relationship. There are many types of mentoring programs: – Formal – Informal – Traditional/One-on-One – Situational/Flash Mentoring – Peer – E-Mentoring – Group/One-to-Many – Reverse Mary shared an instance of where a veryRead… Read more »

Small Businesses Are Struggling and Government Inter Agency Panel Is Trying To Fix The Problem

On Monday June 28, 2010, 500 business owner travelled to Washington DC from all parts of the country to speak to the the newly formed Inter Agency Task Force on Small Business Contracting. The White House in April established a pair of interagency task forces to help federal agencies award more contracts to small businesses.Read… Read more »

I am selfish, are you?

You have probably heard about the Fast Company Influence Project. As Fast Company states: “Influence is not only about having the most friends or followers. Real influence is about being able to affect the behavior of those you interact with, to get others in your social network to act on a suggestion or recommendation. WhenRead… Read more »

Learning Lessons from Senior Leaders (in 140 Characters or Less)

Career Conversations panel with Jim Williams (former GSA) and Lisa Schlosser (EPA), with awesome facilitation by Jeremy Rissi. For best results, read from the bottom up! nextgengovt: RT @ClearedJobsNet: get to know each other, emulate good leaders, know your leaders, don’t gossip & read about leadership as per Lisa Schlosser#ngg10 2 minutes ago via TweetDeckRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: So What Exactly Is The Recession Good For?

Can it really be? A benefit coming out of the recession? It seems so, as the recession some claim is accelerating a change (at least in the corporate world) toward more flexible work schedules. Currently, one of five Americans works non-typical work hours (nights, weekends, rotating shifts, etc). With the recession still in force, expertsRead… Read more »

New Wiki on Organizational Change and Mental Models

I’ve launched a new wiki based on my dissertation research. The purpose of the research was to examine a possible link between mental models, change visions, and organizational alignment. As of 2006, there were over 1 million articles on organizational change and a multitude of change models in the literature. But, surprisingly, these change modelsRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: UK’s Driving Standards Agency

Does your local DMV have instructional videos on YouTube? Do they use social media at all? Are they committed to “lifelong learning” among drivers in your area? If your answer was “no” to any or all of these questions, then you might want to tell them about the United Kingdom’s Driving Standards Agency (DSA), whichRead… Read more »

Employee Retention or Employee Loyalty?

Reprinted from: Success Performance Solutions by Ira Wolfe | June 23, 2010 Which is better: employee retention or loyalty? The answer isn’t as obvious as you think. These are some common remarks shared by disgruntled, long-term employees: · “All the owners care about is the money.” · “They’ll never pay me what I deserve anyway.”Read… Read more »