Project Management

Local government hero shout out

In my opinion you can never have too much shameless promotion, especially when it is for someone other than yourself. Chris Moore The concepts of Government 2.0 are picking up momentum and, as I have noted, will fit neatly within the concepts of the Social Ecosystem (note shameless plug for The Social Ecosystem 🙂 ).Read… Read more »

Writing the recipe for cake !

Objective: Plan the city that we want until the year 2020;Initiative: Legislative Hall of Fortaleza;Title of Project: Pact For Fortaleza; Project Details:“The Covenant By Fortress is an initiative of the Legislative Hall of Fortalezainviting civil society organizations and municipal governments, stateand federal, to discuss the challenges of our city by the year 2020. “ “DebatingRead… Read more »

Is the Young World Rising? Preview from Next Gen Gov Summit

At the YGL/GovLoop Next Generation of Government Summit 7/6-7/7, we have a ton of great speakers talking about opportunities for young leaders to change government. One speaker is Rob Salkowitz who wrote the awesome Wiley-publish book “Young World Rising: How Youth Technology and Entrepreneurship is Changing the World” We did a quick interview where weRead… Read more »

Bridging and Understanding the Technology Gap

Over the last two years, it has been acknowledged that we have a technology gap between the generations of workers in the government space. We have skilled and experienced professionals who have been trained not to be on the internet or any type of social media, and those who are very skilled and adept atRead… Read more »

Commerce Department’s EDA Grants Help Exporters Rebuild, Retool

Stepping up to aid Gulf Coast companies impacted by the BP oil spill, the US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) consistently assists export companies in towns nationwide. An announcement by the Department of Commerce on June 18th detailed the release of eight grants for the Gulf region totaling $10.27 million – most forRead… Read more »

Creating a Culture of Customer Service – “And Would You Like Catsup for Your Fries?”

Last week, a friend told me about a presentation she’d just done for some local elected officials, on making government websites customer-friendly. She said the session had gone really well – they got it. But this is what caught my attention. She said some of these government officials had never thought about their websites inRead… Read more »

Counties’ Fear of Social Media…But Need Not Be

In a word…fear. That about sums up most local government leaders and their thoughts about the use of social media. As the government with the closest proximity to the public it serves, a lot of my peers worry about opening up another dialogue venue. Many aren’t familiar with social media sites and can’t envision whatRead… Read more »

Disincentives to collaborate? The Government of Canada Employee Innovation Program

Last week the Government of Canada announced a new program intended to promote innovation in the workplace. Generally speaking, any effort to drive innovation should be applauded- however, the role of incentives in promoting innovation and motivating individuals to participate is an elaborate issue. Strategies and tactics should be approached with caution, with creativity, andRead… Read more »