Project Management

Gov 2.0 and Organizational Culture

Two interesting articles about organizational culture in the latest issue of the “Journal of Organizational Change Management.” The first article is a cultural analysis of organizational memory and its role in organizational change while the second article describes how organizational memory can hinder learning a new technology. In the first article, McCabe gives a moreRead… Read more »

Government 2.0 in Russia: Alena Popova

Let me introduce myself to GovLoop community. My name is Alena Popova. I’m developing the direction of Government 2.0 in Russia. I’ve created the project Duma 2.0 (in russian), which was established in December 2009 and operates on the principle of Citizen 2.0 Project Duma 2.0 is a social initiative aimed to improve the lawsRead… Read more »

Investing in Russia?

Great Article by Matt Marshal at Russia is the sixth-largest economy in the world, but it’s also a country relatively untouched by foreign investors, especially investors in technology. Could Russia potentially be the home of the next massive tech boom? The short answer is: No way. At least not anytime soon. That’s the conclusionRead… Read more »

The Supreme Court’s “Inconsistent” History on Affirmative Action

I recently heard an assertion that the United States’ Supreme Court has acted “inconsistently” in regards to its affirmative action decisions, and decided that it was a strong enough claim that I ought to have an opinion myself. I know—what kind of crazy person would find this type of discussion interesting? Well, for better orRead… Read more »

webinar- how to get buy-in for new ideas

How to Get BUY-IN for New Ideas Why do smart people reject good ideas? What common mistakes squash new ideas?How do you make it safe for others to engage in your ideas?How do you gain ACCEPTANCE for new ideas? Executive instructors Joel Barker, futurist, filmmaker, author, andDebbe Kennedy, author, president and founder, Global Dialogue CenterRead… Read more »

Best Practices for Government Libraries 2010 – Now Available

Best Practices 2010: The New Face of Value. is now available in a PDF version. Best Practices is a collaborative document that is put out annually on a specific topic of interest to government libraries and includes content submitted by government librarians and community leaders with an interest in government libraries. The 2010 edition includesRead… Read more »

Elephant in the Room? “Culture” and Social Media uptake in the Public Sector

The last few weeks I was at a couple of government-focused social media events, one in person (Gov 2.0 Expo) and one virtually (GovCamp). They were both really good and provided a lot of value I think. There were some similarities in the events, through a recurring theme. Specifically, everyone (ok, well most everyone) inRead… Read more »

Tips for Change Agents

Many of us in government want to change the way our agencies work. These changes can take many forms. Some of us may want to fix a process or change/eliminate counterproductive rules. Others may wish to shoot for more ambitious goals that require a change of culture. The current push to expand the use ofRead… Read more »

Video Available for Chicago Workshop

Video is now available for the Chicago Workshop, held 21 May 2010 at The Chicago-Kent College of Law in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The workshop was co-sponsored by CALI: The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction and The Oyez Project. Click here for the workshop program. Click here for archived Twitter tweets from the workshop (scrollRead… Read more »

Increasing transparency through local government web development blogs

This is a cross-posting from Camden Council’s website redesign project blog – which I also write for. You can also follow my research on my Facebook page. Ever since we launched our web development blog, there has been an increased interest in local government web development blogs. Looking at some of the response below (tweetsRead… Read more »