Project Management

Untethered: Work, and Life, in the Cloud

This weekend, I got the chance to meet a longtime online friend face-to-face following his trip to a local Google conference. Alan Pruitt, who I met a few years back on a LinkedIn group for private investigators, is a licensed PI out of Yuma, AZ, doing due diligence backgrounds for major employers, and he alsoRead… Read more »

Performance Management Software Tools

This is an open question to all readers. What kinds of performance management software tools do you use in your agency or organization and can you provide the names of software tools? We have a tool we’ve developed called Gov-Metrics but I’m curious what others are using to assist them in gathering and reporting data.Read… Read more »

Brownie points, or results?

Using the Gulf oil spill to get clear about measuring Open Government Measure “Open Government”? Yes, but … I think that the success of the Obama Administration’s Open Government effort is critical, but I’m put off, even bored, by the measurement discussions to date. Imagine that you’ve got good reason to believe that your nephewRead… Read more »

Video Available for Berkeley/SOMA Workshop Workshop

Video is now available for the Berkeley/SOMA Workshop held 12 May 2010 at The Mitchell Kapor Foundation in San Francisco, California, USA. Click here for the conference program. Click here for archived Twitter tweets from the workshop (scroll down to tweets from May 12, 2010). Click here for information about the legal openRead… Read more »

The People Side of Change in Technology Implementations

The Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) market is now worth upwards of $21 billion. Going into 2008, Cambridge, Mass.-based market researcher Forrester predicted a compound annual growth rate of 4.2 percent for ERP solution packages, and that number has continued to climb. The use of technology in the workplace is expanding at an astounding rate.Read… Read more »

May 25, 2010: Event at the U.S. House of Representatives

The Event at the U.S. House of Representatives will be held 25 May 2010 at the Longworth House Office Building in Washington, DC, USA. The co-hosts of the meeting are Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren and Congressman Dan Lungren. Click here for the conference program. The Twitter hashtag for the workshop is #lawgov. Click here forRead… Read more »

Get Your Head Out of That Gantt Chart and Do Some Thinking Once in a While

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I know we’re all busy. We have deadlines to meet, emails to write/respond to, projects to work on, management issues to take care of, errands to run, families to care for, and many many other things that we do on a daily basis. ToRead… Read more »

May 26, 2010: Core Specifications Task Force Meeting

The first Core Specifications Task Force Meeting will be held 26 May 2010 at the offices of Google in Washington, DC, USA. The co-convenors of the meeting are Vinton G. Cerf of Google and James Stogdill of Accenture. Click here for the conference program. The Twitter hashtag for the workshop is #lawgov. Click hereRead… Read more »