Project Management

How do you engage thousands of homeland security stakeholders? Funny you should ask…

We at the National Academy of Public Administration today released our report on the National Dialogue on the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review. This was a project with the Department of Homeland Security to run a three-phase online public dialogue soliciting stakeholder ideas and feedback on DHS’s missions, goals, and priorities. While the ideas offered haveRead… Read more »

Video: Automate Your EEO / OFCCP Compliance Efforts

Applicant flow logs, hired/offers logs, reasons for non-selection for every applicant, minimum requirements for every job. Tracking all of this is nearly impossible let alone actually reporting it – until now. We’ve designed an elegant, powerful feature in our popular applicant tracking software to track and report all of your EEO data for you –Read… Read more »

OMB’s New Guidance on Social Media is an Improvement – But There’s a Catch

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. There are many discussions going on about the OMB’s recently issued Social Media, Web-Based Interactive Technologies, and the Paperwork Reduction Act. Basically, this guidance makes it easier for Federal agencies to use variety of social media and “web 2.0” tools for interacting with the public without having to go throughRead… Read more »

DOT releases Open Goverment Plan

Today DOT released its Open Government Plan on Here’s a peek at the Executive Summary. DOT welcomes your feedback! “The President’s Open Government initiative represents a significant shift in the way Federal agencies conduct business and engage the public. The Department of Transportation (DOT) recognizes that the Open Government initiative is about more thanRead… Read more »

RecoveringFed writes on The Discreet Charms of the North American Knowledge Worker

This is a repost from my blog Over a very pleasant meal yesterday, my lunch partner and I began to exchange ideas about how best to manage knowledge workers. Quite a challenge, we both agreed, and leaning toward hell when you need to manage knowledge workers against a deadline. This topic deserves more carefulRead… Read more »

How-To: Not Dress for Spring and Summer at Work!

Well folks it is starting to be that time again in Washington, DC, when everyone starts taking off their clothes and showing their bodies. So in preparation for this event in the workplace. Just think about this “How Not to Dress no-no” (not good for your professional image). We are coming into the seasons ofRead… Read more »

How can federal agencies use social media to increase civic participation?

Anna York and I have spent the last 6 months working on a report looking at how U.S. Federal Agencies can use social media to enhance civic participation. Our work focuses more on the civic participation side than the web 2.0 side, and we hope that this report will help agencies as they begin toRead… Read more »

How Successful are Your Gov 2.0 Initiative(s)?

There are certainly more and more Government Agencies jumping on the band wagon to follow President Obama’s directive for them to become more collaborative, open, transparent and participatory. But the real question is – what measures are being taken to evaluate the success or failure of all these efforts? I’m writing an article for eContentRead… Read more »

New community, further adventures with YouTube, more

The most interesting development in KDOT’s ongoing exploration of social media is our plan to launch an internal online community later this spring. Unlike K-TOC, which is open to all and is used by the agency as a public-outreach tool, the new community will be strictly limited to KDOT employees and is intended for internalRead… Read more »