Project Management

Nat Boxer

This morning I read Nat Boxer died (on LinkedIn). He was 84, had won his Oscar, and from what I read, still boogieing on, making the world a better place. I could say he was my favorite college professor, or the only one I remember, or the one I think about a couple of timesRead… Read more »

So you are a GS-Whatever; get over it

Congratulations! You landed a job with the Federal government. You are a GS-14, or a GS-12, or whatever. You may even supervise some people. You worked hard to get where you are and you are not going to let the stigma that Federal employees are the enemy get you down. But remember this- you areRead… Read more »

Plain Language Anyone?

How much attention do the various nooks and crannies within our sprawling organism called “government” pay to writing, speaking, posting, or tweeting in plain language? During the interviews that resulted in my becoming a technical writer/editor with ATF, one hiring decision maker stressed that one of my tasks would be to “show [the department] howRead… Read more »

GovReads: “Achieving Project Management Success in the Federal Government”

A few years ago, I (Andrew Krzmarzick – the guy behind Dr. GovLoop) obtained my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. It’s a grueling process, and I have a lot of respect for others who have taken the time to gain this credential. While there are tons of books written on the subject, very few (ifRead… Read more »

I am Amver video project

Since the IMO declared 2010 the Year of the Seafarer we thought we could expand on that campaign and put together an Amver video. Amver would not be a success without the work and dedication of mariners and rescue controllers. The other part of Amver are the survivors. All of these pieces make the AmverRead… Read more »

Social Media & Government: An Oxymoron or a Perfect Challenge? orginally published by NAGC Newsletter, February 2010Social Media & Government: An Oxymoron or a Perfect Challenge?Author: Andrea Schneider Social Media is an Open System. Thriving social media sites are interactive, ever evolving, receptive to change, build relationships, share information, and rely on constant communication. They are community building, dependent on participation, and highly collaborativeRead… Read more »

FedRecruit: IT Kickoff Event (Phase II)

FedRecruit: IT Kickoff Event (Phase II)On Monday, March 8, the Partnership for Public Service released an issue brief on the state of the IT workforce that highlights the growing need for IT talent, an increasing retirement eligibility and insufficient talent pipelines. Link to the issue brief here: The kickoff event highlighted the launch of PhaseRead… Read more »

Join in for Earth Hour March 27.

I would like to encourage everyone to participate in Earth Hour 2010. The movement symbolizes people working together to make a positive impact to protect our future and that of future generations. Visit to sign up and get posters or other ideas to get others involved. It is a great event and requires littleRead… Read more »

there are no new ideas

Having just joined govloop this past week, I have been thinking about what I would share here. Today, after a meeting with Bowen Moran (@bxmx) and my colleague Devin Serink (@dserink), I have a bit more direction. As a short introduction I am a consultant working with the City of Edmonton. I used to workRead… Read more »