Project Management

O’Reilly Gov 2.0 Online Conf is 3/11 – Aussie Senator Kate Lundy added!

Hey all, Just a reminder that we’re just over a week away until the next Gov 2.0 Online Conference from O’Reilly. It happens March 11 from 9am / 11am PST – 11:15am / 2:15pm EST. Registration is free! PROGRAM UPDATE: New Speaker Added! We’re excited to have added Senator Kate Lundy (ACT, Australian Government) toRead… Read more »

Fighting Internet-based Capabilities: Irresponsible and Ineffective

It’s the latest buzz, the Department of Defense (DoD) announcement that it had finally issued policy on Internet Based Capabilities early afternoon on February 26, 2010. I’m excited to see it finally arrive, but in some sense it’s a surprise left cold and waiting like a ragged banana peel discarded last fall and finally uncoveredRead… Read more » National Inventory of Legal Materials: A Call to Action

The National Inventory of Legal Materials: A Call to Action is now available; per @evwayne, it “offers guidance and suggestions for creating the inventory,” which is a component of the legal open government data project. Click here to learn more about the National Inventory. Click here to learn more about the project.

Privacy News Highlights – Feb 13 – 28

Privacy News Highlights 13–28 February 2010 Contents: EU – Legality of Fingerprint Database to be Tested in Netherlands Court 3 CA – Alberta Retailer Ordered to Stop Credit Checks. 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Cites Sobeys for Collecting Personal Info. 3 CA – Saskatchewan Privacy Boss Decries Denial of New Staff 4 CA – CommissionersRead… Read more »

Rural Economic Developmet Initiatives (REDI) Training Program Comes to Levelland

The High Ground of Texas Education Foundation, in partnership with area Economic Development organizations, is hosting the REDI© 2009-2010 Program. Developed in 1990 and offered numerous time since, this twenty-five hour comprehensive program is designed to give volunteers, board members, city staff, chambers, practitioners, elected officials and other interested individuals, a basic, nuts-and-bolts understanding ofRead… Read more »

Why did DoD call it “Internet-based Capabilities?”

As many of you know, last Friday the DoD released a Directive Type Memo on the “Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities“. Many may be wondering, “Why not call it the “Social Media” policy or “Web 2.0” or even “SNS” policy? As someone who has spent the better part of the last seven monthsRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Congressional delay forces DOT furloughs

Happy Monday! Federal funding for major road construction projects and national anti-drunk driving campaigns dried up Sunday night amid Congressional gridlock. Lawmakers failed to reach agreement last week on tax credits, unemployment insurance for roughly 400,000 Americans and a short-term extension of the Highway Trust Fund. Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) said Sunday that he expectsRead… Read more »

Request for Comments: National / California Inventory of Legal Materials

A request for comments on an inventory of California legal information — a prototype for the National Inventory of Legal Materials and a component of the legal open government data project — has been issued by Erika Wayne, one of the coordinators of the National Inventory, and Deputy Director of the Stanford University LawRead… Read more »