Project Management

Why I Tweet? Amplifying Messages & Obtaining Results

Disclaimer: The post below was originally sent to a mailing list of people that are less familiar with social media tools, hence the basic explanatory nature of how Twitter works throughout the post. Lately there have been many articles and interviews, mostly from senior leaders, explaining why they use social media tools. Most of thoseRead… Read more »

Sole Source is Out, RFP is in. But I’m still annoyed.

For those who are waiting with bated breath, I have an update on the Navy’s requirement “to develop an internal social networking community relevant to service members in a military environment.” I have heard through the grapevine that because two other companies asked to be added to the list of Interested Vendors, the Navy hasRead… Read more »

Progress in Afghanistan Contract Oversight; Measured Optimism

From The Acquisition Corner I recently wrote a piece for contract management improvements in reconstruction and nation-building initiatives. Updates were provided by Senator Claire McCaskill, (D-Mo), who is completing an overseas trip, including Afghanistan, and stated she was encouraged by what she saw in Afghanistan. During the trip, auditors told McCaskill oversight agencies are workingRead… Read more »

What motivates your drive to fight for change?

We are committed to live our life to the fullest including being the best version of ourselves at work, with our families and friends. At the end of the day after you have endured a long day at work fighting for change, what keeps you going?

Federal Eye: Regulate this!

Happy Wednesday! The Obama administration made it a little easier to track the federal rulemaking process on Tuesday with the launch of a new Web site. Users can now track proposed changes to government policy by visiting the redesigned, yet another “Dashboard” built by the Office of Management and Budget to display government informationRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Washington State’s GMAP

“Bottom Line: No state in the nation is better at developing and sharing information than Washington.” – Governing Magazine, “Grading the States,” 2008 As government at every level is releasing raw datasets as part of the Open Government Initiative, one of the key questions being asked is, “So what do we do with all thisRead… Read more » Upcoming Events

Here are upcoming events in connection with the legal open government data project: February 24, 2010: Roundtable at Yale Law School, for members of the Yale Law School community, with Tom Bruce and Carl Malamud; February 24, 2010: Liberating Legal Information: The Law.Gov Movement: Panel Discussion at New York Law School; February 25, 2010:Read… Read more »

2011 Budget Shows Evolution of IT Management Thinking By any measure, the 2011 budget request from the Obama administration is big. But when it comes to federal spending on IT in the next fiscal, it’s clear that the days of high single-digit or double-digit growth are over. Spending will be approximately $80 billion, a slight increase over enacted 2010 spending. But theRead… Read more »

Have You Ever Participated in Creating a Better World, One Couch At A Time?

I recollect being introduced to the interesting CouchSurfing Project at last spring’s DC Gov 2.0 Uncamp. I first heard of this hospitality network while watching a social media documentary that took viewers into a month in the life of a first time American couchsurfer visiting London. I was instantly fascinated by the concept. CouchSurfing’s missionRead… Read more »

A fundemental problem in introducing new technology and business change

On my Capgemini Blog someone posted a very insightful comment recently; “If you are a carpenter with a traditional saw and you buy a motor powered bench saw (new technology) then you had better change the way you work because lifting up the new bench saw and taking it to the wood certainly isn’tRead… Read more »