Project Management

Member of the Week: Andrea Schneider

If you’ve been a member of one of Andrea Schneider’s groups, you know why Andrea hosts some of the most fascinating conversations on GovLoop. The titles alone may entice you to join: – Evaluation: The Data and The Story – Social Networking, Leadership and Innovation in the Applied Setting – Who’s Running the Show? ARead… Read more »

Online Public Engagement – New Grant Program

Online public engagement is huge these days. All of the federal /open pages are launched with online public engagement tools soliciting feedback on how to do participation, transparency, and engagement. There’s been some pretty cool blogs on GovLoop about “making crowdsourcing successful” As this space unfolds, it’s been cool to see companies like Ideascale collaborateRead… Read more »

Leadership for Vision, Action and Impact (Gov20 L.A.)

Note: I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. This post references the Harvard Kennedy School’s Government 2.0 Research Survey. If you haven’t takenRead… Read more »

Gov20 L.A. – Agility for better government

I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is necessarily incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. Second Life Founder Cory Ondrejka is the lead-off speaker and riffing on the importance ofRead… Read more »

Towards a More Transparent and Collaborative Government: One Year In

The other day I was having lunch with Rich Dougherty, the CEO of Expert Choice, a collaboration software company in Arlington, VA that is a client of mine. We were discussing the trends towards a more transparent and collaborative federal government. I decided to record it with my iPhone and turn it into an interview.Read… Read more »

Considered a Job or Career Change? A quick survey

Which if any of the following pictures do you identify with as far as providing you the motivation to make the change? What was the incident which sparked the idea? Is this a past or present job? Thanks in advance for sharing your stories!! 1. Don’t jump 2. Butt kisser (imagine seeing this as youRead… Read more »

Gov’t Privacy News Summary – Jan 23 -31

My friend Fred puts together this awesome privacy news highlights and said I could cross-post… So here we go: Privacy News Highlights 23–31 January 2010 Contents: US – NH House Passes Bill Banning Fingerprint IDs. 3 CA – B.C. Names Acting Privacy Commissioner 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Launches New Facebook Probe. 3 CA –Read… Read more »