Project Management

How-To: Submit a Proposal and Get Accepted at a Big Conference

Over the last week, I’ve spent several hour reviewing proposals for 3 conferences. As such, I think I have a few tips on how to get your proposal accepted: 1 – Have a gov’t person speak. Honestly, if it is just you and your a vendor, I’m scared it is a product pitch for yourRead… Read more »

Diversity and Disability: Expanding Your Pool of Talent

Originally posted to Unleash the Monster by guest blogger, Sheila Newman, President, New Editions Consulting, Inc. For many agencies, people with disabilities are an overlooked, underutilized pool of talent. Often supervisors think people with disabilities can’t do the job, can’t get to the job, won’t fit in with the team, or will cost more toRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Jobs, Moves, and Opportunities

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Inspired by Jeremiah Owyang’s excellent “On the Move” series of blog postings meant to track and congratulate folks who get promoted, move, or accept new exciting positions in the social media community, I wanted to to start this semi-regular (maybe once every other month?) postRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week –

1. What is enables job seekers to apply for U.S. Government Civilian positions in the Army Contracting Command (ACC). The job openings are for contracting and procurement personnel, and are open to people currently employed in industry or in government. The website offers information about job opportunities with ACC, including job descriptions, informationRead… Read more »

Federal Player – The EPA’s Jim Blubaugh

Federal Player – The EPA’s Jim Blubaugh: Protecting Children from Harmful School Bus Emissions Cool article by Partnership for Public Service and The Washington Post – I really like this series where the highlight cool feds…Blurb below and full article at Washington Post Millions of school children across the nation ride on buses every dayRead… Read more »

Conference Report: Legal Information Issues at POGW: Princeton Open Government Workshop

The workshop entitled Open Government: Defining, Designing, and Sustaining Transparency (POGW), held 21-22 January 2010 at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), featured much valuable discussion about legal information. (The Twitter hashtag for the workshop is #pogw. An apparently complete collection of tweets from the workshop is available here. My tweets from theRead… Read more »

PAIRS Study: Relationship Skills Training Prevents Four Out of Five Divorces.

Four in five couples on the brink of divorce achieve significant, lasting improvements from participation in 9 – 12 hours of relationship skills training, according to research published by the non-profit PAIRS Foundation. Seth Eisenberg, PAIRS President and CEO, says the study has important implications for the public and policy makers. “We now know weRead… Read more »