Project Management

Is Cooperation Possible? Funding 2.0: A Model for Multi-Agency Funding for Gov 2.0 Initiatives

Certainly, I am not fantasizing magic filled utopia where happiness radiates all around and unicorns slide down rainbows into pools of blueberry jam, but let’s be realistic about the situation here. We are living in a time of shrinking budgets and disappearing funds with no relief in sight. The key is doing more with less,Read… Read more »

Twittering for Contracts Transparency with TrackDailyGoals

Sterlling Whitehead maintains a blog called All Things Sterling. This post can help you understand the huge power of using a simple service like TrackDailyGoals for easily implementing transparency. There’s also the added bonus of easy project management completion and goal tracking at the same time. The Point The real but unnoticed benefit for theRead… Read more »

Neighborhood Watch of the skies?

Ok, with the recent attempt to blow up an airliner I have a radical idea. Why not set up a voluntary program for Federal government travelers that lets us act as eyes and ears for the TSA. There will never be enough Federal Air Marshals for every flight but I bet there are thousands ofRead… Read more »

Mini-Guide to Acquisition on GovLoop

These are some of the best articles, groups, and other resources scattered across GovLoop. For your convenience, they are brought together in this single place. Happy reading! The Queen Mary Davie. The undisputed ruler of acquisition on GovLoop. Keep an eye on her blog. Key Groups Acquisition2.0: The central group for acquisition on GovLoop. JoinRead… Read more »

Going from Better to Best in Gov 2.0: Map, Measure, Move Forward

Originally posted on The Better Buy blog. A couple of the key questions that agencies continue to ask about social media is “How do I make a business case for it?” and “How do I measure success?” Ultimately, those agencies that have answered these questions effectively – in advance of starting their project and allRead… Read more »

Moving The Better Buy Project Forward: An Exercise in Change

From The Better Buy Project blog After attending the recent Better Buy Project panel this past week, I blogged about my observations and some issues that came up from that conversation. That lively discussion continued on the GovLoop Acquisition 2.0 community. Although many commentators took different takes, I think we all agreed that one ofRead… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency Phase 5: Repeat. Or, Go back to Phase 1, but not Square 1 – Build on your Success

A previous post laid out the Focus on Efficiency Framework: Plan – Decide – Implement – Review – Repeat. In this post you’ll learn how the capabilities and possibilities you’ve developed, will allow you to take your organization to the next higher level, and the next, and the next… When you repeat, you apply theRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Nancy Heltman

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead As human beings continue to have significant impacts on the environment and its resources, education is the perfect tool to inform individuals of how their behaviors and patterns are having negativeRead… Read more »