Project Management

The Merging of Epidemics in the Information Age – A Side Note

With so many people I know fighting the flu and our concerns about the H1N1 epidemic, I have been thinking about the Global Public Health Intelligence Network, GIPHIN, the Canadian’s based public health early warning systems, and the role it played during the SARS scare. I first heard about GPHIN back in late 2005 andRead… Read more »

U.S. Department of State Launches Second Annual ExchangesConnect Video Contest to Amplify U.S. Public Diplomacy: “Change Your Climate, Change Our World”

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton launched the Department of State’s second annual ExchangesConnect Video Contest, “Change Your Climate, Change Our World,” with a video message on the ExchangesConnect social network on November 17. Find more videos like this on ExchangesConnect The ExchangesConnect Video Contest is a call to action for global citizens around theRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Dustin Haisler

When I received an invitation to present for the Texas Certified Public Manager in San Marcos, TX, this past week, I immediately thought of Dustin Haisler. Haisler wears many hats for the city of Manor, which is a few miles northeast of San Marcos just outside of Austin. He and his colleagues are finding creativeRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: UN Public Service Awards

What South Korea, Oman, and Slovenia can teach us about Gov 2.0 GovLoop inspires me. The idea of a network of people working to make governance more transparent, more effective, more efficient has an energizing effect. I’m glad to be a part of it, and know you are too. We’re a part of something biggerRead… Read more »

Go-No Go and the Black Hole between

As we face the end of our Space Shuttle program (only five more flights remaining), I’m struck by the “Go-No Go” mentality of NASA’s can-do Mission Control teams at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Think about it. “Go-No Go” translates into, “We’re going forward until we tell you to stop.” Success-oriented thinking. A “Go-NoRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Pet Projects

Since launching the moderated wiki, Whorunsgov has, on a couple of occasions, created projects to entice people to contribute. We try to focus these projects on narrow topics that people have strong opinions about. The projects include: 1) Tracking Blue Dog Democrats’ stances on the proposed health-care bill 2) Highlighting advocates and lobbyists that workRead… Read more »

Taking the Initiative

As a leadership coach, one of the issues that I hear about from my clients at the GS-14/15 level of the federal government is the lack of opportunities to demonstrate their capabilities and competencies through new and meaningful projects, tasks, or assignments. Often they will express their frustrations by saying that their senior manager doesRead… Read more »

DAUNTING CHALLENGES: Cultural Change | Paradigm Shifts

Recently on Twitter, a IT senior leader mentioned how daunting making change is today in any global enterprise. He invited me to share my views on leading cultural change and paradigm shifts based on the changes in progress in Enterprise Computing. It was impossible to respond in 140 characters :-), but I wrote a fewRead… Read more »

SBA is holding a public meeting in DC on the proposed changes to the 8(a) Program and small business size regulations

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is holding a public meeting in Washington, DC on the topic of the proposed changes to the 8(a) Business Development (BD) Program Regulations and Small Business Size Regulations. Testimony and comments presented at the public comment meetings will become part of the administrative record as comments addressing the proposedRead… Read more »