Project Management

Agreeable to Disagreement

Students of leadership may recall a clever quotation from George S. Patton: No one is thinking if everyone is thinking alike. Although disagreements in the workplace can sometimes create emotionally charged situations, thoughtful disagreement can be quite constructive when managed appropriately. Many leaders have found success by not trying to prevent disagreement but rather byRead… Read more »

NSPS discusses what’s next as controversial pay-for-performance system ends

Federal News Radio spoke with Tim Curry, the Acting Program Executive Officer of the National Security Personnel System. Curry recently took over after the departure of Brad Bunn. We asked him what comes next as the Department of Defense gets ready to transition out of NSPS. “What we’re looking at is trying to take theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: New stimulus reports correct early errors

More than 131,000 progress reports on stimulus funding will be posted Friday on, the government’s stimulus-tracking Web site. Much of the data will include corrections to the first version of reports filed by fund recipients earlier this month. Several early reports overstated the number of jobs created or saved through the stimulus program, accordingRead… Read more »

K-TOC and the public

Our project selection pilot outreach is (at last) up on K-TOC. It took about three weeks to get everything posted, so there’s no Ta-Da! moment, but October community traffic is up about 65 percent over August traffic. We might reach 2,000 unique visitors this month, which would be a record for us. A more detailedRead… Read more »

DHS expands use of TSA’s IdeaFactory department-wide

The Department of Homeland Security is expanding the use of the Transportation Security Administration’s IdeaFactory department-wide. TSA has used the IdeaFactory since 2007 as a way for employees to suggest ideas and changes to programs within the agency. Gale Rossides, TSA’s Acting Administrator, tells the Federal Drive what the expansion of the program will meanRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned From Rapid Acquisition of the MRAP

From The Acquisition Corner There has been some discussion recently on a case study of shortening the procurement cycle from the lessons learned of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle. The MRAP is an armored all-terrain vehicle whose purchase and desire for rapid deployment was motivated by the continuing deaths of troops in IraqRead… Read more »

Leaders Lead, Writers Write

For the past eight months I have been part of a leadership program that emphasizes identifying and following your dreams. Since I was in elementary school I have wanted to be a writer. I was good at it. I loved seeing my ideas take form on a page. Writing papers, stories, articles all came easilyRead… Read more »

EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs Systems Design & Development Branch Launches Kanban for Software Maintenance

Wow, what a “newsy” sounding title… What I want to do is show how we will use Kanban to track all of our software maintenance activities. I’ll start with a couple of useful links about Kanban as a technique: So I have been on board OPP for about a month. My observation isRead… Read more »