Project Management

Five Things Obama Should Say in Friday’s MIT Climate Change Speech

A great post from my boss, Jessy Tolkan, executive director of the Energy Action Coalition. This commentary originally appeared on The Huffington Post Green. Almost a year into President Obama’s administration, the young people who turned out and voted for him in record numbers, hopeful that he’ll deliver bold action on climate at home andRead… Read more »

The Business of Defense Business Transformation

No one in the Department of Defense owns “transformation.” The term is used freely by just about anyone who wishes to make a significant change in the Department. Changes attempted under the banner of “transformation” are as varied as the people who use the word. We assume that most “transformations” are attempts to make theRead… Read more »

Video on Harrisonburg Summits – Open Space Meetings Hosted by Mayor

I’m excited about this 3-minute video that captures the energy at a Harrisonburg Summit. You’ll see footage from my Mayor’s Sustainability Summit, which is archived online. I was honored to have Harrison Owen, the founder of Open Space Technology, come visit me to give guidance on how to design the first summit. Over 150 peopleRead… Read more »

Meet the Beefalo: A Hybrid Approach to Outsourced Municipal IT Services

By Sophicity. The 17th century saw the widespread introduction of domesticated cows to North American shores by English settlers. However, over the next century it became clear that while the cows were docile and produced good milk and meat, they were not particularly well suited to the harsh winters of the New World and consumedRead… Read more »

Open Access Week

For those that may be interested, October 19-23 will mark the first international Open Access Week. Open Access Week is an opportunity to broaden awareness and understanding of Open Access to research, including access policies from all types of research funders, within the international higher education community and the general public. The latter includes accessRead… Read more »

Government 2.0 #FAIL

Guest GovTwit Blog Post by Brian Drake Evolving a conversation we started back in September, I think are quickly arriving at a solution to the nagging feeling that we need to take the Intra-Government 2.0 movement to the next level. The Goverati are a small group of committed individuals. It’s not new news that theRead… Read more »