Project Management

Continuing Resolutions Don’t Have to Be a Pain

Agencies are again operating under a CR. Here are some suggestions to help budget officers avoid disrupting agency operations during the CR period. There have been three recent papers on CRs: * Continuing Resolutions: Uncertainty Limited Management Options and Increased Workload in Selected Agencies, GAO, #09-879, Sep 2009 * Interim Continuing Resolutions: Potential Impacts onRead… Read more »

Mugging the rich bastard lawyers

Cross posted from Online Journalism Blog, where I’ve been updating all day – find any further updates here. If the famous media gaggers, the libel law firm Carter-Ruck, scourge of Private Eye, thought they’d scored another famous victory (these guys are big on bragging) suppressing news they hadn’t reckoned with social media. #trafigura is asRead… Read more »

The LMX Theory

Have you noticed that managers often act differently toward their different employees? Do you sometimes see managers who have favorites? Well, if so, you are witnessing the workings of the LMX theory of leadership. The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory holds that leaders have two different types of relationships among their followers. In essence, leaders establishRead… Read more »

Happy Columbus Day – Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports – College Football National Championship Picture and Selected Week 6 Picks

Happy Columbus Day!! Yikes, the Hokie Guru’s been busy over the last couple of weeks… he just got admitted to the Georgetown University Executive Master of Policy Management Program… it’s a program that is specifically set up for federal government inspector general employees. If you don’t know, the federal government inspector general is essentially theRead… Read more »

3 Ways to Save Money on Municipal IT Energy Costs

by Sophicity When a municipality is tasked with reducing operating costs, one often overlooked area is energy use in the IT infrastructure. With energy prices on the rise, an increasingly taxed power grid and growing public concern over efficiency, new technologies and approaches to the way IT operates can lead to a dramatic reduction inRead… Read more »

Legislink – Legislative URLs citation made easy

Note that this post is a cross post from my blog, Finding legislative materials is often have the battle of staying informed on what law makers are doing. Sites like and are aimed at making congressional information more accessible and do a good job at achieving this goal. A new project,,Read… Read more »

Managing the “Graying” of Municipal IT Staff

by Tim Verras, Sophicity The looming retirement of the Baby Boomer Generation is a concern on the horizon for municipal IT managers. Staff with decades of experience in the technologies and processes crucial to the municipality’s operations will be handing over positions to middle or entry level employees. The question for IT managers becomes: HowRead… Read more »

The Limitations of More with Less

Undoubtedly you’ve heard the mantra that we need to do more with less. You may have even used this phrase yourself as a kind of short-hand for some wider/more complicated explanation or justification. The problem with that phrase is it’s become so generic it can mean almost anything to anyone. Read: We need to doRead… Read more »

I’m at a “local consultation” meeting for transportation stakeholders in NE Kansas.

Like a social media tsunami, I’m live-tweeting the meeting, blogging at K-TOC and blogging here. (I can afford to do so because our meeting has split into small breakout sessions, and plopping into those sessions with my laptop–“Hi! I’m here to transmit your words to the whole world!”–strikes me as being a bit of aRead… Read more »