Project Management

Project of the Week – Better Buy Project

GovLoop’s Acquisition2.0 group is an amazing group of over 300 people from government and industry who share a passion for making the government buying process more efficient, transparent and collaborative. The group shares ideas on everything from career advice to detailed FAR cases to improving the entire acquisition process. Out of this group came anRead… Read more »

Annual Human Services Conference

The National Organization for Human Services (NOHS): The field of Human Services is broadly defined, uniquely approaching the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations. This year the AnnualRead… Read more »

Postscript: Lessons from the great 2009 Birmingham City Council website disaster

The fallout from the relaunch of Birmingham City council’s website (#bccwebsite) has continued, not just online but in the local press as well thanks to the strong interest of Birmingham Post Editor Marc Reeves. It’s not a coincidence that the Post has a ‘web 2.0’ site and in its reporting about #bccwebsite has even includedRead… Read more »

Work Force Composition

SUSPECT that although this study was done rather globally that the numbers are fairly close if one was limit the research to government employees.. ASSUMING that this study has at least some relevance for the government community would offer that there MIGHT be more than a casual impact on both implementation the “new government/Gov 2.0”Read… Read more »

The Crib Note Cram on Health Care Reform – What is getting lost in the Haze.

The Crib Note Cram on Health care Reform In our current world, political realities require a simple, 3-second sound bite solution for even the most complex problems. I consistently talk of the need for an 8th Grade solution to a graduate school problem if a solution is to be politically viable. If it were notRead… Read more »

Texts for Africa

The Unicef innovations team came up with an incredible idea to leverage the increased rate of cell phone use in Africa (65% now have access to a cell phone!) to help malnourished children: they built an open source framework for SMS-based systems. In partnership with graduate students at Columbia University’s SIPA school, Unicef designed anRead… Read more »

Lessons from the great 2009 Birmingham City Council website disaster

The night before last – and in the night – Birmingham City Council without much fanfare switched over to its rejigged website. Within moments the twittersphere was alight. It was crashing, it had obvious faults and it looked terrible. Over the next 36 hours reviewer after reviewer found fault after fault. This would not beRead… Read more »

Geospatial Services = Positive Change

Jack Dangermond believes today’s challenge is geospatially enabling Gov 2.0. Geospatial data uses integrated applications to show information from multiple sources. It allows for improved planning, management, and increased efficiency. Unfortunately, the government hasn’t yet brought the data together into one map. Yet, many agencies see data sharing as part of their mission. For example,Read… Read more »

Fiscal Event: “Going for Broke? The Fiscal Future After the Economic Crisis”

Sponsored by The George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration and The School of Media and Public Affairs Friday- September 18, 2009 805 21st Street NW Media and Public Affairs Building First Floor 8:00am to 5:30pm with Reception to Follow Please RSVP by September 14th to [email protected] Featuring Doug Holtz-Eakin, FormerRead… Read more »