Project Management

No Such Thing as Ethnic Groups…It is All in Our Head Study Reveals

A recent study from my favorite source the Science Daily reported that ethnic groups are a creation of our minds and not grounded in genetic reality. What substitutes for what we think are ethnic differences are really the result of social rules and norms we have created to erect barriers between groups. Probably as aRead… Read more »

MULTI-GENERATIONAL Leadership Qualities: The Power of Thinking Together

These are difficult times for leaders at every level in government, business and society across the world. We are all reinventing our visions of the future as we work to forge the new paths in an environment of crisis, challenge, and opportunity. We are also in need of re-evaluating everything about how we think, operate,Read… Read more »

How our segregated neighborhoods reflect our segregated workplaces

PBS produced a documentary with a corresponding website titiled,”Race: The Power of an Illusion”. This documentary details all the major issues surrounding race, it’s legacy, it’s origination, and the discrimination and predjudice that still exists today as a result of racial bigotry. The current atmosphere in today’s business world is that the isms (racism, sexism,Read… Read more »

Great DHS SOA/ESB/NIEM Topic to Follow at the Upcoming NIEM Training Event

Look for this very important NIEM topic at the upcoming NIEM Training event: “Implementing NIEM as a Canonical Model for Information Sharing at DHS/USCIS”. This presentation will be given by Hector Alicea, HLA & Associates, LLC ( ) on behalf of DHS USCIS… From the NIEM Training Event agenda ( ): “This presentationRead… Read more »

Dispatches from the Graduate School’s Executive Potential Program

The Graduate School’s Executive Potential Program is a year-long Leadership Development Program for GS13-15s. As part of the program, participants must do two 60-day developmental assignments as well as conduct a series of interviews with Senior Executives. Needless to say, with 135 participants enrolled, there are some fantastic assignments and networking encounters that take placeRead… Read more »

TSA IdeaFactory – Liveblogging Gov20 symposium

TSA IdeaFactory Tina Cariola, Program Manager, TSA Web-based tool empowering employing to submit ideas, provide comments on how to improve new concepts, etc. IdeaFactory launched in April 2007 to address 3 key needs: Engage employees — 50,000+ workforce spread all over the country Collect constant fresh input about how to improve safety and operations DisseminateRead… Read more »

Speeding Up the Acquisition Process is a Challenge

From The Acquisition Corner An interesting action plan for speeding up the procurement process for Recovery procurements was recently proposed by Dr. Allan Burman, who served as administrator of federal procurement policy in the Office of Management and Budget. His plan, which was conducted as an interview with CGI Initiative for Collaborative Government, outlined anRead… Read more »

Leadership Reflections Part 3 – Leadership Managment and Supervision

From Leadership descriptions and configurations of the roles of leadership, management and supervision vary widely. I have come to the conclusion that there can never be a final answer because no one can understand and implement their understanding in their lifetime. What we can do is accept that there are many fine people who wouldRead… Read more »

NAFTA Wink-Nudge Stalls Mexico’s Trucking in US

The US-Mexican ‘”frontera” is a hot spot for turf rumbles and tariff tussles, on a personal and national scale. At this month’s Leaders Summit in Guadalajara. Presidents Calderon and Obama and Prime Minister Harper classically ducked the thorny subject of NAFTA’s stalled agreement for bi-national trucking reciprocity for Mexico. I suppose Mr. Harper got smartRead… Read more »