Project Management

Sweet GovTweets 07.19.2009

Hello! Good evening, Today’s tweets are very short. The weather here has been unseasonably cool (85) and we are just giddy. So, I am assuming, because I want to, that all of you are being blessed with the same wonderful weather! And I’m guessing everyone was outside playing today instead of posting. As I wentRead… Read more »

Using Performance Metrics to Manage

In the final installment on a performance management framework, we’ll look at using performance metrics and analysis in order to effectively manage agencies and their programs by using remediation and corrective actions. We’ve already covered the first and second steps, and will focus on the final two in this posting (all four are listed justRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.18.2009

Good Afternoon! Today we had a lot of cross-posting and RT’s, so once all the duplication was removed we have a very short Tweet summary. It’s a beautiful day. Use the extra time to get outside and enjoy it. And that’s the way it was, July 18, 2009, Caroline Twitter @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie With greatestRead… Read more »

Recruiting a Chief of Staff (Physican) for VA San Diego ASF#09-126 The VA San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS) provides a comprehensive array of healthcare services for approximately 60,000 veterans in San Diego and Imperial Counties with an operating budget of over $357 million and over 2,400 employees and more than 5,000 active staff, volunteers, trainees or contractors. VASDHS consists of one of VHA’s mostRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week: NNSA Summer Student Intern Program

Led by John Barry at the US Office of Personnel Management, the Federal government intends to make significant strides toward streamlining the hiring process in the near term. In the meantime, intern programs remain one of the most effective ways for agencies to attract and get acquainted with potential employees. has a lengthy listRead… Read more »

Jana Gallatin – GovLoop’s Member of The Week

Jana, your passion for preserving and organizing historical records in Government is well known here on GovLoop. How did you come to first be interested in this mission? I’ve always been kind of a history fan and am interested in government policy. My first brush with records management was when I was a soldier assignedRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: More Storm Clouds for FAA-Weather Service Plan

The back-and-forth between the FAA and National Weather Service hit turbulence today, when a government expert suggested any changes in the way the two agencies work together will not fly unless they sort out several outstanding details. You’ll recall that the Weather Service submitted recommendations last month on how to change the FAA’s use ofRead… Read more »

Discovering Your Passion through Humble Practice and Outrageous Play

A playful challenge from an audience member helps bring to life the importance of searching for and developing your passion, whether in the face of skepticism, long periods of self-doubt and/or having to accept (even better, learn to play with and laugh at) your own flaws and foibles. Setting the stage for the dramatic closeRead… Read more »

Bridging Cultural Diversity through Multiple Intelligence, Conflict Styles and Interactive 4 “H” — Healing, Humanizing- High-Performing and Harmonizing — Humor

Wanted to share a new program. Feel free to share/pitch to others, etc. Over the years, I’ve heard some complaints about cultural diversity programs too often turning into prickly or preachy affairs. Of course, this is a sensitive topic. Thought it was time for a very different approach. Any comments are appreciated. Mark ————— BridgingRead… Read more »