Project Management

TSP Talk: Head & Shoulders Everywhere

Good morning! It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk. Stocks were mostly lower on Friday, while bonds rallied after a weaker than expected Consumer Confidence report. The C fund dropped 0.4%, the S fund was relatively flat, the I fund lost 0.74% after some strength in the dollar, and the F-fund (bonds) was up aRead… Read more »

The Anniversary Edition, Randomness, and the NCAA Division 1 Big East College Football Preview from the Hokie Guru, Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports

Good morning, Govloopers!!! It’s been a year since Govloop sent me this e-mail… he sent it on July 10, 2008: So here’s what I’m thinking with GovLoop. You (studboy) write a once a week short blog/column. Your topic of choice. It can be a combination of your crazy stories and the sports stud hokieguru. IRead… Read more »

Top 5 Leadership Characteristics for Process Improvement Success

Recently during a visit to the GSA conference held in San Antonio, I had the opportunity to speak with several people in the federal government about Lean Six Sigma. In most cases they shared with me that they had “tried” Lean Six Sigma and it did not work or “we did that and are nowRead… Read more »

Wall maps

I’m doing a personal project which requires wall maps to provide people information on services for their area. I’m looking for wall maps that have street level details for Northern Virginia communities. What is the best place to purchase local area street maps that may be laminated and posted on bulletin boards? I’m looking forRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.09.2009

I’m back— I have been on vacation! hehe I understand while I was away, some of you federal folks had some problems with computer viruses, or such. Last week, a Trojan horse invaded my computer. When I ran my very sophisticated internet security software, it indicated that the problem *might* have originated from a fileRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Federally Employed Women and the National Training Program

This week’s Project of the Week features the Federally Employed Women organization. Thanks to GovLoop member Patt Franc and to Sue Webster and Rachel Combs of FEW for sharing their story. Federally Employed Women (FEW) is 4000 members strong and is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1968 after the issuance of Executive Order 11375Read… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Economic Stimulus Progress Report

Happy Wednesday! It appears that a good chunk of economic stimulus funding is going right into the nation’s roads, according to a GAO update set for release today about the massive government spending project. The Congressional auditing agency must deliver a bi-monthly stimulus progress report and is tracking the 16 largest states and the DistrictRead… Read more »

Best of NIEM Awards 2009

The National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Program is now accepting nominations to recognize NIEM implementation projects demonstrating how intergovernmental collaboration and innovative technology deliver results that increase government transparency, improve performance, and enable civic engagement. Projects must have been operational since 2008 and report specific measurable results. Successful nominees will be those that leverage bestRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: Benjamin Strong

If you’re on Twitter, you may have seen some of the great tweets from @Amver like: -> Nigerian rebels kidnap 6 crewmembers from chemical carrier Sichem Peace -> Boating tips for watching fireworks from boats -> U.S. House passes piracy amendment; military guards to man certain ships/cargoes -> Iranian naval ship stops pirate attack inRead… Read more »

Geeks Invade Government With Audacious Goals

Republished from O’Reilly Radar. Blog post by Mark Drapeau. Original post can be found here Guest blogger Mark Drapeau is the Co-Chair of the Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase in Sept 2009 and the Gov 2.0 Expo in May 2010, both in Washington, DC. He holds the title of Associate Research Fellow at the Center forRead… Read more »