Project Management

A Public Sector Performance Management Methodology

Performance management and measurement have taken on a number of different meanings with regard to application in the public sector. In some cases it’s regarded strictly as data reporting and in others it takes on a more qualitative form. It may be useful to start a dialogue on coming up with an actionable, consolidated setRead… Read more » An Experiment in SEO and Social Media

You’ve seen a lot of posts from me regarding the social media activities of other agencies. Never have I highlighted an endeavor from my own organization. Well, this post changes everything! Here’s the backdrop: Throughout its history, the Graduate School has always adapted in creative ways to the changing needs of government. A few weeksRead… Read more »

Focusing on Acquisition Reform: Workforce First

The much anticipated Smart Contracting Caucus met this week for the first time since being created over a year ago by former House Oversight and Government Reform ranking member Tom Davis, (R-VA). The intent of the Caucus was to consider thoughtful federal procurement reform by having a type of 360-review of issues facing the contractingRead… Read more »

Will there be a cyber czar?

The Obama admnistration is still putting all the pieces of the puzzle together for transparency and information technology. But the appointments of a federal CIO and CTO are not the end. There’s plenty of speculation there will be a cyber czar, too! Wow. What a change from previous administrations and how 21st century? For moreRead… Read more »

Public engagement. Public empowerment.

My keynote from GOVIS 2009 – User Centred Government: More than meets the eye. Public engagement. Public empowerment. View more presentations from Stephen Collins. The GOVIS tag line is “Connect. Share. Learn.” So my first question is where is the conference wifi network for all of us to connect? It’s a must have for everyRead… Read more »

Acquisition Reform Foundations: People First and Fast

As acquisition reform initiatives move forward in Congress, specifically with the House following the Senate in passing their defense acquisition reform bill, personnel issues continue to be at the forefront of discussions and focus on reform initiatives. Of course it goes without saying that the announcement to bring 20,000 acquisition positions in house at theRead… Read more »

Arrive, Survive, and Thrive…It’s Not Necessarily a Good Thing

Ever heard of the International Day For Biological Diversity (IDB)? The United Nations declared May 22nd the official date this year, and Invasive Alien Species is the theme. Invasive Aliens Species are widely recognized as a major component of human-induced global environmental change. Globalization allows that the transportation of animals, plants and microorganism to provideRead… Read more »