Project Management

Pushing Collaboration Outside the Firewall

I’ve recently been evaluating social networking software for a non-profit agency and I saw a type of collaborative ability I hadn’t seen before. A couple of the higher-end products claimed the whiteboarding and project collaboration group areas could actually be pushed outside corporate firewalls to allow collaboration with outsiders. This seems intriguing given the newRead… Read more »

CFO Academy Executive Seminar on The Recovery Act: New Transparancy Environment

Paul Posner, Director of the Public Administration Program at George Mason Univ and President of the American Society of Public Administration discussed the management challenges of sending money (the stimulus funds) through the Federal to State and Local government grantinging channels. Lots of built in accountability problems requiring trust in the state or county stakeholders.Read… Read more »

In social software, little design changes can make a big difference – US Mil

One of the interesting rubber hits the road things about social software is that it is all about the user. How do you engage them? make them productive? and leverage them? Below is some interesting insight about how in fact, with this focus on the user, that small changes can make a real difference. ThereRead… Read more »

So GSA Negotiated Terms of Service…Now What?

In the past few weeks, the General Services Administration (GSA) has signed Terms of Service (TOS) agreements with a number of new media providers. The agreements signed by GSA were negotiated with the assistance of a number of federal agencies. The goal was to arrive at a TOS federal agencies would be comfortable enough withRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of Week – I.J. Ezeonwuka

I.J. Ezeonwuka is one of my favorite people in public service. I first met her when I co-founded Young Government Leaders and she was an integral part of the team that took a 50 person happy hour group to a 501(c)(3) non-profit with thousands of members across the country. When I developed GovLoop, she wasRead… Read more »

New Position as ADR Program Manager

I just accepted the position of ADR Program Manager for the Seattle Federal Executive Board. The Department of Labor has authorized for me to spend 80% of my time as ADR Program Manage. I will work with requesting agencies, matching their needs with a cadre of 75 mediators, facilitators and organizational development experts. I willRead… Read more »