Project Management

Federal Jobs for Generalists

From ARE YOU A GENERALIST? You may be a generalist if you have: * A liberal arts degree and/or an advanced degree in law, business, international relations, public administration, public policy, environmental policy, public health or a variety of other fields. * Excellent writing and oral communication skills. * An ability to synthesize informationRead… Read more »

Anyone going to NetSquared?

The NetSquared Global Conference, held in San Jose California, is a two-day meeting that brings together the minds of unlikely allies from different professional fields including: leaders in philanthropy, corporate philanthropy, engineering, media and world-class innovators driving the development, distribution and use of social technologies for progressive change. The conference provides participants an opportunity toRead… Read more »

HHS pandemic webcast next week.

US dept HHS holds a web cast every couple of months. Past secretary Mike Leavitt started the blog and webcasts to reach out to citizens and it has worked. Follow along on #planfirst on twitter Story:There has been an unprecedented effort to coordinate pandemic influenza planning on Federal, State and local levels. This coordination hasRead… Read more »

42 Ways You Can Help the Planet

AT HOME 1. ENERGY CONSERVATION. If every home in the United States replaced just one incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL), the energy saved would prevent greenhouse-gas emissions equivalent to taking 1 million cars off the road, says Arthur Rosenfeld, a physicist and member of the California Energy Commission. He alsoRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week – An Interview with Bill Finnerty on the Cumberland County Web 2.0 Initiative

1. What is this web 2.0 initiative in your county all about? This project grew from an understanding in IT that there were better ways to communicate with each other and the public. There are so many tools out there that we can use to communicate with different constituencies, even foster a dialog between them.Read… Read more »