Project Management

Hanging Out Day

No silly, I’m not talking about playing hooky from school or work! I’m referring to Project Laundry List’s efforts on April 19th to educate communities about energy consumption, “Right to Dry” legislation, and most importantly, how to save money and energy by utilizing a clothesline. So what exactly happens on Hanging Out Day is thatRead… Read more »

Re: Career Fair at John Jay College – Master of Public Administration Students and Graduates

I am posting this again in hopes that you can help me recruit other NYC/NYS Employers for the Master of Public Administration Career Fair on April 25, 2009 from 11:30-3:00PM. This year’s career fair is made possible by the MPA Student Association at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the New York State PoliticalRead… Read more »

Located in Barcelona, Spain, one of the C40 cities committed to tackling climate change through effective partnership working with the Clinton Climate Initiative…. Me, with a background in environmental science and a day-to-day work on topics related to sustainable development, but never heard about this programmes… Anyone with contacts to this network or with adequateRead… Read more »

GovLoop’s Steve Ressler Rocks the Public Sector

In every big city there’s an underground, and in every large online movement there are undercurrents. In the Government 2.0 space that undercurrent is taking place on GovLoop, a relatively new, Ning-based social network with more than 8,000 public sector or related members. The man behind GovLoop is Steve Ressler, who also was one ofRead… Read more »

2.0 Opportunity Framework – A Model for Consultants

The following is a rough sketch of a framework I began developing months back attempting to explain and rationalize the different types of opportunities available to a consultant or consultancy in the “2.0” space. I thought I might subject it GovLoop’s collective critique both her and on my blog in the hopes of starting someRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Tues. 31st March, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @nishachittal: Well this is interesting: a livestream from the White House? Brings whole new meaning to transparency: #opengov #gov20 @cjoh 33 entries into Apps for America. Awesome. #opengov #gov20 #p2 @mikemathieu: Wondering why the ROI of lobbying is so high. Should Congress get incentive pay? What would theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Camp: from the Twitterstream

Here’s another one of my soon to be patented (:->) reports from a conference I didn’t attend, brought to you through the benificence of the Twitterverse. Unfortunately, it isn’t as complete as I’d like. After TransparencyCamp, when I discovered that the Twitter Search runs out after 100 pages of history, I new I’d have toRead… Read more »