Project Management

Employee Performance Evaluations

I recently read the following, and thought I would share a little humor… Enjoy! ——————————————————————————– Quotes taken from actual (U.S.) Federal Employee Performance Evaluations ——————————————————————————– 1. “Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom and has started to dig.” 2. “I would not allow this employee to breed.” 3. “This employee is notRead… Read more »

If anyone here is going to FOSE 2009, please consider donating any old (Verizon) cell phone(s) to HopeLine

FOSE 2009, GovSec 2009 and U.S. Law 2009 have partnered with Verizon Wireless to support HopeLine®. HopeLine® phones are provided to participating domestic violence agencies and organizations nationwide for use by victims and survivors as they rebuild their lives. While at FOSE, GovSec, U.S. Law and Ready, please remember to bring your old phone* andRead… Read more »

Time for OpenGovernance

I was rejuvenated by Candi Harrison‘s post from March 3, “It’s Time for Governance” and wanted to be sure that it got pushed out to the ‘net today. I’m a wordy guy, so I even surprised myself with the longest comment to a blog post that I can remember. In case some of my colleaguesRead… Read more »

The Project of the Week – Wednesday, March 4, 2009 – Highlighting GovLoop

What better way to kickoff the new “Project of the Week” series than to highlight the coolest website in government, GovLoop! Last year on Memorial Day when you were most likely ‘chilaxin’ poolside waiting for the burgers and dogs to be ready, Steve Ressler launched GovLoop. Apparently, that same day, there were five other goviesRead… Read more »

Develop best

It’s no secret that in today’s economy, we are facing more challenges than ever. And real challenges demand real solutions. Supporting real collaboration, using real tools, in real time. Most of all, they demand real winning business outcomes. We are ready to help our customers and partners “get real” about making real change to createRead… Read more »

TransparencyCamp: 97 Tweets from 100 Pages of History

I couldn’t make it to TransparencyCamp, but it sounded fabulous. I did wade through 100 pages of Twitter Search history (as much as it keeps). Here’s what I came up with, for what it’s worth. Unlike my other summaries, while this is in chronological order, more or less, the fact that there were a lotRead… Read more »

Andrew Krzmarzick! – Featured Govloop Member

Andrew Krzmarzick is a Senior Project Manager at the Graduate School, USDA. I met him on govloop and I asked him to be our featured member because I see him leading the effort to make government better using social media tools. Quietly, (if that is possible with twitter and blogging,) I see Andrew one classRead… Read more »

Accessing and assessing

Spidering Tim Bonnemann‘s “zilino” project I came across something he had posted to Flickr: Group assessment module. That brought to mind a little sketch I made to concretize my thinking for “IssuePress”, so I uploaded this image to Flickr. see “Use of Faceted Classification“ I tag it “OLAP”. Most would find that bizarre; some, IRead… Read more »

Making first step toward smart regulation

(This post appeared originally in the Huffington Post, Feb. 23, 2009. Reprinted with permission) The Obama Administration created as a critical stimulus component, taking a “don’t trust us, track us” approach to assure funds are distributed quickly and fairly and “recipients and uses of all recovery funds are transparent.” It will also provide cluesRead… Read more »

Would appreciate suggestions on what gov 2.0 topics you want to learn more about

Hi GovLoopers 🙂 I am strongly considering submitting a speaking proposal to The National Association of Government Webmasters for their upcoming conference. While there are various subjects I could pitch and speak to, would like to know what suggestions you have on perhaps what topics you believe are most helpful to learn more about. OutRead… Read more »