Project Management

Federal News Radio Interviews Author David Van Slyke on Complex Contracting Challenges

This morning, Federal News Radio interviewed David Van Slyke about his report, “The Challenge of Contracting for Large Complex Projects: A Case Study of the Coast Guard’s Deepwater Program.” For more information and to hear the interview, visit this web page:

Restaurant Week

I thought I would do a public service announcement. Last week was Restaurant Week in DC. Did you take advantage of this? Restaurant Week takes place twice a year, once in the frigid cold of the post-holidays and then again in the dog days of August. Times when diners are likely to be few. ForRead… Read more »

Downtown Revitalization and Parking Planning – By Lance Winslow

By Lance Winslow When planning a downtown revitalization project the goal is to get people to come back to downtown and shop and spend money. Due to issues such as urban flight many people have moved into the suburbs and new businesses have sprung up there. Many lower income people have been stuck in theRead… Read more »

Do Something Beautiful

Every project should have something beautiful about it. Whether it be a creek alignment project or a new asphalt road, beauty is a critical component of any local project. Without it, you stand a very good chance of losing public support for that project or even future endeavors. In real estate we call it curbRead… Read more »

Looking for GovLoop Volunteers – Project of the Week

I’m starting a new series called “Project of the Week.” Basically, it’s a follow-up to “Member of the Week” where currently GovLoop Community Leaders interview members The idea for “Project of the Week” is GovLoop Community Leaders will interview/highlight a project from a GovLoop member. Could be a new website, a new HR initiative, aRead… Read more »

Goverati Stand Tall

Cross-posted on Communicators Anonymous There has been quite a bit of talk lately about the “goverati” – a term coined by Dr. Mark Drapeau. “What is the goverati? It is made up of people with first-hand knowledge of how the government operates, who understand how to use social software to accomplish a variety of governmentRead… Read more »

Musings on Web 2.0 Culture Change

I had the privilege of speaking today at a conference on social media in gov’t hosted by the Potomac Forum. Listening to the other speakers, as often is the case, I heard similar concepts to the ones I use, but put in different ways. I thought I’d share here some of what I distilled. NoneRead… Read more »