Project Management

Collaborative Working Techniques; are we practising what we preach?

In the industry we like to talk about the transformational potential of the technologies with which we work and the profound way in which they impact individuals the economy and society. When you look at our own practices do we always live up to this challenge ourselves? One area that has intrigued me is theRead… Read more »

I Started a New Group for IT Strategy

I posted a new group. I work as a program analyst in IT Strategic Planning. I’m looking to share best practices and even to learn from our own mistakes (would that be Worst Practices?) in relation to IT Strategic Planning. I’m hoping to have discussions about planning cycles, frameworks, developing plans, initiatives and performance measuresRead… Read more »

Economic Recovery Act, Let’s Get Transparency Right: The Importance of Citizen Based Network Transparency

Let’s get transparency right. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, passed this Friday the 11th, requires an extraordinary level of “transparency” on the part of federal, state and local agencies. Title XV embodies the transparency requirements. Section 1511 requires that all local and state governments receiving funding for infrastructure investment, must certify: “..thatRead… Read more »

The Art of Data Modeling – what a IT manager, Project Manager and CIO should know…

Ok, this may appear to be some geek blog about the architecture of relational databases. Or you may pass up this blog for fear of not understanding the terminology geeks tend to push in their blogs. But the term data modeling is something any IT manager/CIO should seriously add to their vocabulary. Especially if youRead… Read more »

Obama Can’t Make Torture a Thing of the Past?

There is a big difference in running on a “change” ticket and actually having to implement “change” in the complex political landscape that is our great nation. President Obama is feeling this right now in full effect. While he pledged to stop the CIA’s involvement in secret defense and torture, a Justice Department official saidRead… Read more »

The rise of the “Third Estate”…

Excerpt for govloop… To get the blog rolling, I think it would be best to level set what “The Rise of the Third Estate” really means. I will assume most interested readers will have a background in Social Media and what can be termed as Web 2.0 / Web 3.0, etc. It is my hopeRead… Read more »

Upset of the Year and Selected Saturday (February 7, 2009) NCAA Men’s Basketball Picks

Got David? We sure do here!! But first, the Hokie Guru’s new favorite guitarist… Paul Gilbert… get out of my yard… Paul Gilbert is amazing And so is Yngwie Malmsteen. The University of South Florida Bulls (David) just defeated the top team in Big East Conference, the Marquette University Golden Eagles (Goliath). The game summaryRead… Read more »

The Patent Office’s Courageous Jump into the Wisdom-of-the-Crowd Mosh Pit.

Peer to Patent / Community Review BACKGROUND: Software and algorithms used to be unpatentable. Recent court decisions and patent-office rule-making has made software the fastest growing patent category. In 1991 the patent office was cut off from general tax revenues and required to subsist entirely on fees for its operating budget. The political argument wasRead… Read more »