Project Management

Federal Eye: Obama Transition Donations Explained

The Eye has heard from some of the federal workers that have donated money to the Obama-Biden Transition Project, following a report earlier this week about their contributions. The donations of roughly three dozen federal employees, mostly rank-and-file types, account for 2 percent of the project’s total take so far. “The Obama-Biden campaign had beenRead… Read more »

Trust and Transparency through Standards a look at the external business world

By necessity most business activities at the process level have been remote and opaque from both the customers, and all too often, from those involved too. I use the phrase necessity to cover two very different aspects; commercial advantage, the benefit obtained from having and applying unique knowledge; as distinct from the operational limitations imposedRead… Read more »

U.S. Department of State and the Adobe Foundation Launch Online Video Contest to Amplify U.S. Public Diplomacy

The Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, in conjunction with the Adobe Foundation, today launched an online video contest to amplify U.S. public diplomacy using web-based outreach campaigns and social media platforms. The interactive Video Contest “My Culture + Your Culture=? Share your Story,” is expected to draw thousands of people worldwideRead… Read more »

Reinventing Public Service

I’ve previously made my case for the value of the word “bureaucrat” but it’s a tough battle. To appease the 50th complaint, I changed the profile question to “Who is your favorite public servant?” Which bring me to public service. A lot of talk has occurred recently on reenergizing public service. When I was inRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Federal Employees Donate to Their New Boss

The Obama-Biden Transition Project has earned $1,170,937.44 since it began accepting donations on Nov. 15 and among the 1,776 people that have donated, 35 are federal employees or members of the military. They have donated $5,925 basically to help their next boss, Barack Obama, prepare for his new job. All appear to be rank-and-file typesRead… Read more »

The Personal Rapid Transit Revolution

As the world searches for an answer to reducing the use of fossil fuels, cities are starting to look to the personal rapid transit (PRT) system as a potential solution. Lately, MISTER, a Polish-based company, has gained increasing notice for their innovative PRT system. MISTER is an acronym for Metropolitan Individual System of Transportation onRead… Read more »

DHS and the (Not Yet Created) TechSolutions Wiki

Originally posted at the GenerationShift blog: A couple weeks ago, while attending the National League of Cities conference in Orlando, FL, I connected with representatives from the Science and Technology Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security. Our conversation began by them highlighting a new website called TechSolutions. According to the website: The TechSolutions ProgramRead… Read more »

Is e-government a dangerous enthusiasm?

Yes, according to the conclusion reached by Gauld, Goldfinch and Dale* after a number of e-government case studies in New Zealand and a survey of wider literature. And it is an interesting judgement in case of New Zealand, a country with 4 million population, but well advanced in e-government. By mid-1990s most New Zealand governmentRead… Read more »