Project Management

How to Get Rid of IT Sprawl

So you’ve officially decided that the obsolete, inefficient way of managing information technology at your agency should no longer be utilized. Congratulations! You’ve effectively decided to get rid of IT sprawl, a reality too often seen in government. As a refresher, IT sprawl happens when information is separated, disparate applications are deployed, and there areRead… Read more »

Military Extends Communications to the Community

Have you every wondered what’s happening behind the secured walls of a military base? Who lives there? Oftentimes, life on a military base can be very isolating from the neighboring community. It’s often difficult for service members to integrate themselves effectively with the surrounding community and vice versa. But that’s all changing. Thanks in largeRead… Read more »

When Data Remains Data

Have you ever used something once and then put it aside where it only collects dust? Unfortunately, data often has the same type of journey. Typically data is collected and then put aside, never to be used again. Jeff Neal, Senior Vice President of ICF International, sat down with Christopher Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER programRead… Read more »

How the Gov Got Rid of Chemical Weapons – Safely

On August 21st, 2013 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad carried out an attacked that killed more than 1,400 Syrian civilians with sarin-a chemical weapon used as a nerve agent. In the wake of the attack, a worldwide call for action was launched to get rid of the chemical weapons stockpile. Timothy Blades, Director of Operations atRead… Read more »

Awaken the Project Manager Inside You!

Recently, I enrolled in a course entitled “Project Management for the Office Professional” at Graduate School USA. To tell you the truth, I was skeptical. In my mind, project management had nothing to do with my desk job. Isn’t a project manager supposed wear a hard hat at construction sites? I could not have beenRead… Read more »